Supporting evidence-informed teaching and learning (Associate Certificate)
This certified online course is aimed at teaching assistants and those working in similar roles supporting teaching and learning in schools. The course aims to support you to increase your understanding of how to engage critically with education research, and to develop your knowledge of evidence-informed pedagogical approaches which can be used to support teaching […]
Planning your professional learning (short course)
Find out what research and evidence says about effective CPD and learn how to create a bespoke professional learning plan that will support growth and development in your role.
Education Research and Inquiry Certificate (Mentor)
Take your research engagement one step further as you learn about the process of practitioner inquiry as a powerful mechanism for professional development and undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project within your classroom, focusing on an area of your choosing. This course is worth 20 Credits towards Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status
Professional Knowledge Award (Mentor)
Demonstrate your knowledge of effective mentoring, teacher development, pedagogy and assessment through three professional knowledge examinations (includes access to our ‘Principles of assessment’ online short course). This course is worth 30 Credits towards Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status
Development of Teaching Practice Award (Mentor)
Explore the evidence around effective mentoring, and the development of expertise. Engage in cycles of deliberate practice as you focus on developing effective mentoring approaches that will make a difference to teachers and pupils within your context. This course is worth 20 Credits towards Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status
Introductory Course: Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Status
Includes access to the Planning your professional learning certified course. Familiarise yourself with the Chartered Teacher (Mentor) Professional Principles and explore the evidence around effective CPD as you develop a professional learning plan that will drive your professional learning and development as you work towards becoming Chartered.
Education Research and Inquiry Certificate (Leadership)
Learn how to use inquiry as a mechanism for rigorous evaluation of school practices and to support school development, and undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project to gain deeper insights into existing school practice, with the ultimate aim to improve outcomes for the pupils you work with. This course is worth 20 Credits towards Chartered Teacher […]
Professional Knowledge Award (Leadership)
Demonstrate your knowledge of school leadership, teacher development, pedagogy and assessment through three professional knowledge examinations (includes access to our ‘Principles of assessment’ online short course). This course is worth 30 Credits towards Chartered Teacher Status
Development of Teaching Practice Award (Leadership)
Explore the development of teacher expertise and learn how you, as a leader, can develop and embed evidence-informed approaches to teacher CPD that will make a difference to pupils in your context. This course is worth 20 Credits towards Chartered Teacher (Leadership) Status
Introductory Course: Chartered Teacher (Leadership) Status
Includes access to our Planning your Professional Learning Certified Course Familiarise yourself with the Chartered Teacher (Leadership) Professional Principles and explore the evidence around effective CPD as you develop a professional learning plan that will drive your professional learning and development as you work towards becoming Chartered.
Education Research and Inquiry Certificate
Take your research engagement one step further as you learn about the process of practitioner inquiry as a powerful mechanism for professional development and undertake an evidence-informed inquiry project within your classroom, focusing on an area of your choosing. This course is worth 20 Credits towards Chartered Teacher Status
Professional Knowledge Award
Build your understanding of the evidence and principles of assessment and demonstrate your knowledge of assessment and pedagogy through three professional knowledge examinations designed to assess your understanding of general and subject/ phase/specialism-specific approaches. This course is worth 30 Credits towards Chartered Teacher Status
Development of Teaching Practice Award
Explore the development of teacher expertise as you choose an area of your teaching practice to refine and develop, engaging in cycles of deliberate practice to implement and embed evidence-informed approaches in your classroom. This course is worth 20 Credits towards Chartered Teacher Status
Certificate in evidence-informed practice
Learn how to navigate education research, build your understanding of key themes and debates within current education research, and consider implications for classroom and whole school practice, as relevant to your role. This course is worth 10 Credits towards Chartered Teacher Status
Introductory Course: Chartered Teacher Status
Includes access to our Planning your Professional Learning Certified Course Familiarise yourself with the Chartered Teacher Professional Principles and explore the evidence around effective CPD as you develop a professional learning plan that will drive your professional learning and development as you work towards becoming Chartered.
Module 6. Embedding and sustaining an inclusive school culture
Learn more about developing and implementing school policy and practice with sensitivity to contextual and individual needs.
Module 5. Engaging parents and the school community
Learn more about collaborating with the wider school community as partners in learning.
Module 4. Assessment and pedagogy for equity
Learn more about ensuring that approaches to pedagogy and assessment are inclusive and promote equity.
Module 3. Leading an inclusive curriculum
Learn more about enacting a curriculum that is representative, diverse and promotes high expectations for all learners.
Module 2. Building and developing a diverse and inclusive staff team
Learn more about championing diversity within the staff team, ensuring recruitment, retention and progression policies and practices are transparent, inclusive, and accessible to all.