How do you choose which EdTech to invest in? What evidence would you like to see? Let us know.
The EdTech Evidence Board (EEB) project, funded by the DfEDepartment for Education - a ministerial department responsible for children’s services and education in England, aims to help educational settings and EdTech companies to better understand and improve the impact of their products on teaching and learning.
It will take an evidence-based approach to evaluating the effectiveness and impact of EdTech products. The board will review evidence submitted by EdTech suppliers using a defined set of criteria. The criteria will be informed by research evidence and developed in consultation with subject matter experts, suppliers, schools and colleges.
As part of this work, we want to hear from educators about how they make decisions about what EdTech to buy. What evidence do you take into account if any? What evidence would you like to see? Please complete our survey.