Vision for Childcare

Excellent education for all: Interim Report of Independent Review

The role of EAL departments in refugee education

This research review is part of an online module on refugee education – Chartered College of Teaching members can access this learning for free. Introduction English as an additional language (EAL) support is central to ensuring that refugee and asylum-seeking children remain and thrive in education. In addition to supporting their English language and thus […]
Refugee Education

This module focuses on approaches to supporting refugee students in schools. Learn more about this module This online learning module has been developed by the Chartered College of Teaching and funded by the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington (part of the Mercers’ Charitable Foundation). The module is specifically designed for school leaders and focuses on […]
#ECSeries: Why is anti-racist practice important in the early years?

As part of the #ECSeries, we welcome Liz Pemberton who will discuss ‘Why is anti-racist practice important in the early years?’ As children are growing and developing it is our job, as early years educators, to help them form a positive sense of themselves and the people in the world around them. If we are […]
#ECSeries – Primary Geography: Embedding fieldwork in practice

#ECSeries – Primary Geography: Embedding fieldwork in practice The Chartered College of Teaching is delighted to have partnered with the Geographical Association to present an online webinar for Primary colleagues. This webinar is part of the #ECSeries and will focus on five keys areas: 1. What fieldwork enquiry is (and isn’t) and how it has […]
Young (5-8) Children’s Reading in 2022/ Children’s and Young People’s Reading Engagement in 2022

Developing learning through questioning and modelling in early childhood education

This video shows a practitioner supporting young children’s learning at Essa Primary School in Bolton. As you watch the video, notice how the practitioner shapes the interaction to develop the pupils’ learning. Specifically: Focus on how the practitioner uses questioning and modelling to recall and embed the pupil’s understanding of the topic and key […]
Developing mathematical graphics in the Early Years

Young children’s graphical representations are as valuable to mathematical learning as their early mark-making is to their writing development (Carruthers and Worthington, 2011). They support deep-level learning and provide an important foundation for the future. In this article, we explore the development of children’s mathematical graphics in the Early Years, how this can be supported […]
Today I’ve been a Try-o-saur’: Embedding self-regulation in Early Years classrooms

Sayeh Mariner, SLE and EYFS Lead, Essa Primary Academy, UK Matt Shurlock, Teacher, Brookburn Primary School, UK This reflective article considers the steps taken to apply research recommendations within Early Years classrooms to encourage pupils to be independent and competent learners. The focus will be on a dinosaur-inspired, talk-based classroom activity designed to practically apply […]
Raising mathematical attainment from the Early Years

Laura A Outhwaite, Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, UK Erica Ranzato, Psychology and Human Development, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, UK Jo Van Herwegen, Psychology and Human Development and Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, UK […]
The principles for appropriate pedagogy in early mathematics: Exploration, apprenticeship and sense-making

Catherine Gripton, University of Nottingham, UK Helen J Williams, Freelance Education Consultant, UK Early mathematics pedagogy is about exploration, apprenticeship and sense-making. Exploration: Children and adults enjoy exploring mathematical ideas mentally and physically. Apprenticeship: Children learn through being mathematical with adults, learning mathematical words, ideas and behaviours from them Sense-making: Children make sense of their […]
Support and advice: Pupil mental health

The Chartered College of Teaching is developing a series of webinars and bitesize CPD resources for teachers and school leaders on supporting pupil wellbeing and mental health in practice, aligned with key themes in the relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) curriculum. The articles and resources shared as part of this online learning include information […]
LET’S GET TOGETHER! The Rethinking Education Conference 2022

THIS CONFERENCE IS BOTH ONLINE AND FACE-TO-FACE OPTION 1: Buy a ticket to the face-to-face conference in London on Sat 17th September. This includes access to the online conference. OPTION 2: Buy a ticket for online conference only. These are donation-based, so you can pay what you can afford. See here for the 32-page programme for the […]
Digital media use in young children

This research review is based on a chapter that was previously published in Muller and Goldenberg (2022), a report in our ‘Education in Times of Crisis’ series. Debates around the use of technology and the internet by young children have been dominated by strong opposition and concerns about its impact on children’s development as […]
The IFS Deaton Review: Early childhood inequalities

Supporting pupils with anxiety: Selected reading

Teachers have a role to play in supporting children and adolescents to understand anxiety as part of the new RSHE curriculum, as well as needing to feel confident that they can support pupils with anxiety and recognise the impact it may have on the children they work with. This reading list collates articles and resources […]
Play-based learning in early childhood education

This video follows childminding early education setting Bobbi’s Explorers, showing a small group of young children learning together through outdoor play. As you watch the video, notice how the practitioner creates opportunities for children to share their own ideas and interests, and values the responses they offer. Specifically: consider how the practitioner uses the […]
Outdoor learning: Supporting early language and communication

This video follows childminding early education setting Bobbi’s Explorers, showing a small group of young children learning together through outdoor play. As you watch the video, notice how the practitioner creates opportunities for children to share their own ideas and interests, and values the responses they offer. Specifically: consider how the practitioner uses modelling, […]
Child-centred play and outdoor learning

This video follows childminding early education setting Bobbi’s Explorers, showing a small group of young children learning together through outdoor play. As you watch the video, notice how the practitioner creates opportunities for children to share their own ideas and interests, and values the responses they offer. Specifically, notice how the practitioner creates time […]