Dissecting the golden thread: How models can support participants regardless of the teacher development programme constraints
Impactful in-school tuition: A synergistic approach to assessment and professional development
Ben Dryden, School Partnerships Manager, Education Development Trust Laura Fox, Senior Education Adviser, Education Development Trust Douglas Fairfield, Education Adviser, Education Development Trust Aided by the government’s response to COVID-19, including the National Tutoring Programme, in-school tuition in the form of one-to-one and small group interventions has emerged as a popular strategy to address progress […]
Using a strand curriculum model to design an initial teacher training programme
Dom Shibli, Secondary Science PGCE Lead and Lead University Mentor, University of Hertfordshire, UK Chris Powell, Secondary Geography PGCE Lead and Admissions Tutor, University of Hertfordshire, UK Vicky Pateman, Head of Initial Teacher Education, University of Hertfordshire, UK For a novice teacher, stepping into the classroom can resemble a vast wilderness, navigating through uncharted territories. […]
Discussing a bold approach to formatively assessing ITE trainee progress
PAUL SMALLEY, EDGE HILL UNIVERSITY, UK Many who gained qualified teacher status (QTS) before 2020 will remember a major feature of their training as amassing a huge amount of ‘evidence’ over time to demonstrate that they had met the Teachers’ Standards (DfE, 2012, but in place since 1993). This evidence, often contained in several folders-worth of […]
Embracing the ‘feedback not marking’ revolution: Embedding effective feedback in the classroom
LIZ PYNE, ASSISTANT HEAD (TEACHING AND LEARNING), PRINCETHORPE COLLEGE, UK Introduction Providing feedback to students is nothing new. As teachers, we do this every day in verbal and written forms to enhance the progress of our students. However, embedding such feedback to ensure action by the students continues to be a frustration and a challenge […]
Effective formative assessment for inclusive classrooms
Rachel Eaton, Teacher of Geography and Lead Practitioner for Teaching and Learning, Whalley Range High School, UK The synthesis of inclusive education, social justice and mobility The concept of education as a form of social justice (DfE, 2017) is an incredibly broad brush stroke, which must consider many factors without idealism. When we think of […]
Single point rubrics: A useful tool in formative assessment
Teacher of Physics, Frankfurt International School I was introduced to single point rubrics (SPRs) a few years ago, initially trialling them before dismissing them as a useful tool. My introduction was an assessment rubric levelled for a mid-level student that ‘could be used for any/every student’. Assessing every student against a single statement felt like […]
Effective leadership practices and teacher wellbeing: A review of international evidence
BENG HUAT SEE, STEPHEN GORARD, MARK LEDGER, KULWINDER MAUDE, NADA EL SOUFI, DURHAM UNIVERSITY CENTRE FOR EDUCATION, UK REBECCA MORRIS, DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION STUDIES, WARWICK UNIVERSITY, UK INTRODUCTION The most commonly cited reasons for teachers leaving the profession are excessive workload and poor working conditions (Long and Danechi, 2022). Teachers in England and across a […]
Can a collaborative approach to curriculum development aid teacher retention?
Kat Howard, Executive School Improvement Lead; Founding Chief Executive Officer, Litdrive, UK Does an absence of meaningful curriculum development in schools prompt the loss of teachers? There is a widespread and justified concern about the alarming shortage of teachers currently teaching in the UK and how this fails to match the staffing required in schools. […]
Collaborative CPD as a means to improve teacher expertise and retention
You can listen to an audio version of this article above. CAROLINE BARLOW, BECKA LYNCH AND EMMA SMITH, HEATHFIELD COMMUNITY COLLEGE, UK Research from the Teacher Development Trust and NFER (Worth and Van den Brande, 2020) found that teachers in England typically have lower levels of autonomy compared to other professionals, and suggests that there is […]
Reframing ‘disadvantaged’ as ‘underserved’ in mathematics education professional development design
TAZREEN KASSIM-LOWE, TUTOR, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAD AND PHD STUDENT, UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, UK REBEKAH GEAR, LECTURER, NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY, UK This article explores how professional development (PD) can be used as a vehicle for promoting more equitable, responsive teaching. The PD model presented is defined as a ‘Research and Innovation Work Group’ (RIWG), commissioned by […]
Promoting effective teacher reflection through collaboration
TIM LISSIMORE, SENIOR DEPUTY HEAD, WILSON’S SCHOOL, UK Introduction Develop as a professional, by reflecting on progress made, recognising strengths and weaknesses and identifying next steps for further improvement. (DfE, 2019, p. 24) Reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching. (DfE, 2011, p. 11) Creating opportunities for effective reflection is a […]
Could the development of teacher self-efficacy enhance teachers’ own mental health and wellbeing?
KULWINDER MAUDE, SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, DURHAM UNIVERSITY, UK We know that teachers’ wellbeing is now at an all-time low, despite being a priority in the education policy agenda in England (DfE, 2021). High levels of anxiety, burnout and depression have been reported in teachers in England (Education Support, 2022; Gibson and Carroll, 2021). Although understanding […]
Effective professional development at scale
Olivia Page, Director of Professional Development, Education for the 21st Century, UK Education for the 21st Century (E21C) is a medium-sized multi-academy trust (MAT) of eight schools (four primary and four secondary), based in London and the south-east of England, with over 6,000 pupils and 800 staff. The trust has been on a journey of […]
Subject communities: Grow, nurture, sustain
Dena Eden, Director of Secondary English at Inspiration Trust Teaching is a profession where we rely on the support of a team and wider community while also preferring complete autonomy in our classrooms. Subject communities maintain this autonomy while also allowing us to feel both supported and motivated to improve. An effective subject community empowers […]
Building a strong foundation: A new head of department’s perspective on professional development for a diverse team of PSHE Educators
Lydia Roberts, Head of PSHE, Broadland High Ormiston Academy, UK As a teacher, stepping into leading and advising peers can feel intimidating. In a way, teachers are always leading – leading a classroom, leading learners and pastorally leading our tutor groups – and yet when we gear up to lead colleagues, we feel a distinct […]
‘Being’ a teacher – the impact of teacher identity on self-efficacy and professional development across a career
ALISON TEAGLE, ST PAUL’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE, UK; ASSOCIATE FELLOW, UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX, UK The importance of teacher identity When did you first feel that you were ‘a teacher’? Can you recall when you first referred to yourself as a teacher when asked about your profession? How has your teacher identity changed over time? What impact has […]
The Avanti teacher habits: Initial implementation of a MAT-wide learning and teaching toolkit in support of teacher development
SALINA VENTRESS, SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT LEAD FOR LEARNING AND TEACHING, AVANTI SCHOOLS TRUST, UK Avanti’s vision for education, outlined in ‘The Avanti Way’ (Avanti Schools Trust, nd), gives equal emphasis to spiritual insight, character formation and educational excellence. Developing a MAT framework for learning and teaching that could be implemented across all our schools, through the […]
Developing a whole-school approach to continuous professional development and learning: A ‘best bets’ approach
JOANNA FARBON, HEADTEACHER, ICKNIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL, UK In the 2022 white paper ‘Levelling up the United Kingdom’, a target was set for 90 per cent of pupils to achieve the expected standards in reading, writing and maths by the end of their primary education (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, 2022). This target had […]
Levelling the playing field of learning
Lee Elliot Major, Professor of Social Mobility, University of Exeter, UK Introduction All teachers aspire to reduce the barriers and unconscious biases that impede the learning of students from under-resourced backgrounds. Research shows that these impediments are multifaceted, consisting of cultural, material, educational and health-related factors that operate inside and outside the classroom. Explicitly thinking […]