Teachers: The forgotten health workforce

Original article by: Lowry C, Leonard-Kane R, Gibbs B et al. (2022) Teachers: the forgotten health workforce. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 115(4): 133–137. Introduction Amidst rising rates of mental illness among children, this commentary highlights the role of teachers as the forgotten health workforce. According to the Mental Health of Children and […]
Saving lives in schools

Joanna Johnson, Associate Trainer (Grassroots Suicide Prevention), ASIST Trainer (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills), Papyrus Volunteer (Prevention of Suicide in Young People), and Head of Department and Psychology Teacher, Monmouth School for Girls, UK If you were asked what the leading cause of death was in young people, what would you say? Drugs or Alcohol? Car […]
Encouraging positive behaviour online

Frankie Bisset, Emily Giubertoni, Jodie Jethwa Our setting is a voluntary-aided non-selective secondary school for ages 11-18 in Birmingham. We are a Catholic school, catering to around 1200 students with approximately 26 per cent on free school meals (FSM). As Ofsted (2022) recently described, ‘the way in which pupils relate to each other online can […]
Alphabetic writing systems: The importance, and limits, of phonics

John Bald (FCCT) Independent educational consultant. Former tutor in charge, Reading and Language Centres, Essex Education Department. Introduction Controversy over methods of teaching reading and spelling began with the spread of state primary education in the nineteenth century, and soon occupied similar ground to that of today (Parker, 2021). Should children be taught to recognise […]
The Future of Inspection

Making a Difference with Effective Tutoring

Reading Skills, Outcomes, and Interventions: A Review of the Evidence

Research Review Series: Art and Design

The Core Content Framework and the ‘New Science’ of Educational Research

Cracks in our Foundations

What Works at Key Stage 4 in Terms of Improving GCSE Outcomes, Two or Three Years of Study?

Transitioning to a Multi-Academy Trust Led System: What does the Evidence Tell Us?

State of the Nation 2022: Children and Young People’s Wellbeing

Finding the Optimum: The Science Subject Report

Supporting pupil mental health around bereavement and loss

Catherine Hitchcock, Deputy Head (Pastoral) and DSL, UK The setting is a 4-11 co-educational independent Prep School in South West London and this case study outlines the school’s approach to supporting pupil mental health around bereavement and loss. School priority The school has prioritised the support of bereavement and loss as an area to develop […]
How to support grieving children in your classroom

Original article by: Heath MA and Cole BV (2012) Strengthening classroom emotional support for children following a family member’s death. School Psychology International 33(3): 243-262. DOI: 10.1177/0143034311415800 Introduction Schools have been recognised by national and international organisations as having an unparalleled potential to provide supportive services for children’s mental health needs. The focus of […]
School-based programmes to reduce and prevent substance use in different age groups: What works for whom?

This article summarises the following original research paper: Onrust S, Otten R, Lammers J et al. (2016) School-based programmes to reduce and prevent substance use in different age groups: What works for whom? Systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Clinical Psychology Review 44: 45–59. Introduction Substance use at a young age is associated with an increased […]
A New Approach to Area SEND Inspections: A Report on the Response to the Consultation

Building the Expert Teacher Prototype: A Metasummary of Teacher Expertise Studies in Primary and Secondary Education

A Snapshot of Equity and Inclusion in OECD Education Systems: Findings from the Strength through Diversity Policy Survey