
This online micro learning unit is for teachers and school leaders on the use of evidence and research in schools. It explores the potential of evidence and research to inform decision making, to evaluate and understand the impact of changes, and to improve the professional learning and development of teachers. This collection is designed to help you consider your own, and your colleagues’, engagement with research evidence, and the areas you may need to develop to deepen and embed this engagement in your practice. It will introduce the three main features of evidence-informed teaching: awareness, engagement and use:


This unit incorporates a range of content types to support professional learning and reflective practice, including:


In this webinar recording Graham Chisnell FCCT (CEO, Veritas Multi Academy Trust) talks about his work and includes key takeaways from his new book ‘Irresistible Learning: Embedding a culture of research in schools’.


Graham offers practical guidance on how to engage in meaningful research that will have a deep and lasting impact on you and your organisation.  You will be taken on a journey through a Research Cycle that will build your confidence and purpose as a researcher, deepening professional relationships and improving outcomes for all.