The opportunity may arise for you to explore some of the resources on this site with a colleague, perhaps a mentor, leader or fellow teacher.
Rich dialogue and learning can result from doing this so we’d recommend it wherever possible. If you’re unable to meet in person then you may like to explore the use of Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or Zoom to meet virtually. Here are some ideas of what this interaction could look like with one of our resources as stimulus for discussion.
If it’s a written piece you’re reflecting on together then these questions might help to direct your thinking.
- Which of the article’s key ideas resonated with you? Which challenged your thinking?
- How does the content relate to your teaching context? What’s going well? What changes might you consider?
- If you’re just starting out in the profession, how does it make you feel? How does it challenge or align with your expectations of this area of your work?
- How has this article changed your thinking, if at all?
- How might the ideas be applied – where, how, in what way, to what purpose?
- What could you do now to move your learning forward?
- Do you have any questions that remain after reading this article? How might these be addressed?
You’ll find that each video on this site will be accompanied by its own set of prompts for reflection. If you’re reviewing the video with a colleague, we’d recommend watching the video for each prompt in turn and resist the temptation to focus on practice that sits outside of this. Pause the video regularly to dissect what happened.
- Why did the teacher do x (where x is a specific teacher action)?
- What did the teacher do to cause y response from a pupil(s) (where y is a pupil answer, behaviour or action)?
- What has the teacher done that you could try, when could you do this – either in the classroom or virtually – and what impact would you hope it might have?
- What current strategy(ies) in your own classroom could you replace with this one?
- If you implemented this strategy but missed out z (where z is a particular teacher step or action), what might you expect to happen?
- If you implemented this strategy but replaced z (where z is one teacher step or action) with a (and a is a different teacher step or action), what might you expect to happen?