Any pupil who has been ‘exposed to a language at home that is known or believed to be other than English’ falls into the DfE’s definition of having English as an additional language (EAL). EAL learners are an extremely diverse group, encompassing the full range of English language proficiency, from new to English to fluent. There are currently over 1.5 million EAL pupils in England (21.2 per cent of state-funded primary and 16.9 per cent of state-funded secondary school pupils; Department for Education, 2019), and the percentage of pupils recorded as speaking EAL in state-maintained primary and secondary schools has more than trebled since 1997. Teachers’ Standards (Department for Education, 2012) state that it is the responsibility of all teachers, whatever their subject, to ‘adapt their teaching to the strengths and needs of all pupils’ including those with English as an additional language. Yet research suggests that the majority of student teachers feel unprepared by their initial teacher training to do this (Starbuck, 2018; Foley et al., 2018). So what strategies can you use to support EAL learners to access the curriculum and fulfil their potential?

What to consider when working with pupils who use EAL

In many respects, the needs of EAL pupils are identical or similar to those of their monolingual peers. High teacher expectations and language-conscious teaching, for example, are important for all learners. However, there are also several ways in which the needs of EAL learners are distinctive.

Pupils who use EAL are a truly heterogeneous group

In addition to factors that account for the diversity of first language English (FLE) pupils, the following factors can be
specific to EAL learners:

Some strategies, while benefiting everyone, are particularly important for these learners. EAL learners have a double job: learning English and learning through English. This means that teachers of EAL learners have a threefold job:

Attainment increases with greater English proficiency

Research into the achievement of EAL learners (Strand and Hessel, 2018) highlights the importance of proficiency in English as the best predictor of educational outcomes. While it is important to take account of the development of EAL pupils’ English language proficiency, it is also crucial that assessment considers cognitive skills and previous educational experience. Here are some tips for assessing the proficiency in English of pupils with EAL:

Welcoming new arrivals

Research shows that, on average, pupils arriving late into the English school system do less well in external exams than their first-language English peers, and that the older the pupils are when they arrive, the less likely they are to achieve good results in Year 11 (Hutchinson, 2018).

When welcoming new arrivals who are new to English, it is important that information is as accessible as possible, and that young people feel secure and valued. To welcome new arrivals into your classroom:

The benefits of multilingualism

Bilingualism has positive associations with achievement, with those bilingual students rated as ‘competent’ or ‘fluent’ in English typically having higher educational achievement than their monolingual peers (Strand and Hessel, 2018). Where possible, try to use the first-language abilities of EAL pupils, because their progress in acquiring English is closely linked to the levels of their first language and literacy skills. They may have many useful language and literacy skills acquired in their first language, which will help them to learn the English needed for academic success. Recent research on translanguaging (allowing students to use their full linguistic repertoire for learning; Garcia et al., 2017) suggests that this empowers EAL learners and helps them to reach their potential. To encourage use of first language in the classroom:

As schools become more linguistically and culturally diverse, there is a need for teachers to provide support for a diverse range of learners, including those who use EAL. The practical guidance and strategies suggested in this article should help you to support EAL learners, enabling them to fully access and engage with the curriculum and to fulfil their potential in school.

Key Takeaways


Department for Education (2012) Teachers’ Standards: Guidance for school leaders, school staff and governing bodies. Available at: https://assets. data/file/665520/Teachers__Standards. pdf (accessed 22 July 2019).

Department for Education (2019) Schools, pupils and their characteristics: January 2019. Available at: https://assets. data/file/812539/Schools_Pupils_and_ their_Characteristics_2019_Main_Text. pdf (accessed 22 July 2019).

Foley A, Anderson C, Conteh J et al. (2018) Initial teacher education and English as an additional language. Available at: uk/wp-content/uploads/ITE-Report.pdf (accessed 22 July 2019).

Garcia O, Ibarra Johnson S and Seltzer K (2017) The Translanguaging Classroom: Leveraging Student Bilingualism for Learning. Philadelphia: Caslon.

Hutchinson (2018) Educational outcomes of children with English as an additional language. Available at: (accessed 22 July 2019).

Starbuck E (2018) How well-prepared to teach EAL learners do teachers feel? NALDIC Journal online. Available at: (accessed 22 July 2019).

Strand S and Hessel A (2018) English as an additional language, proficiency in English and pupils’ educational achievement: An analysis of local authority data. Available at: www. (accessed 22 July 2019).



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