Life Lessons: Transforming Wellbeing in Primary

Life Lessons are bringing an amazing new curriculum to the primary market! Our curriculum, lessons and resources have been so successful in secondary schools and we know that the earlier we embed life skills and social understanding, the more likely it is to have lasting positive impact. We are uniquely positioned to bring a well-rounded curriculum […]
Empowering the Women in School Leadership Pipeline #IWD2025

This session will be held on Streamyard, it will be live but the event will be recorded and available for ticket holders afterwards. The event will be reflective, provocative and a call to action. This year’s #IWD2025 themes are: UN: For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment. Corporate: #AccelerateAction Themes we will explore will […]
The Curriculum Review: What works, what’s missing, what’s next?

Join an expert panel from the IOE to discuss the implications of the Curriculum Review Interim Report for teaching and learning in primary, secondary, post-16 sectors and for pupils with SEND. The Review asked for input from a wide range on interested parties, including parents and pupils, as well as teachers and experts in curriculum […]
English Across the Divides: Investigating perceptions of ‘English’ across the Key Stages in England

The Common English Forum’s (CEF) recent Manifesto for English in England (2024) states that subject English is an ‘eco-system’ that stretches from the Early Years and Ks1 to KS5 and beyond. However, it warns that ‘significant damage’ to this system, caused at least in part by the current national curriculum for English (DfE, 2013) and its attendant […]
Uniting PD and appraisal: A ‘middle path’ focused on teacher growth

If both professional development and appraisal seek the same goal (teachers who become even better than they already are), why do schools have separate systems and processes for each? Is there a ‘middle path’ that could unite the two in a way that empowers teachers, does the heavy lifting for leaders, and decreases box-ticking busywork […]
Identification of strengths and difficulties in early executive functions amongst toddlers with a connection to autism or ADHD

Autism and ADHD are often associated with difficulties with Executive Functions (EFs) in childhood and adulthood, but due to measurement challenges, the prevalence and nature of these difficulties in early development is not well understood. Potential strengths have also been overlooked. In this talk I will describe the measures that colleagues and I have developed […]
From Checklists to Continuums: Beyond Binary Thinking in DEI

In this webinar, we will challenge traditional “pass/fail” approaches to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. Join us as we explore how moving beyond simplistic checkboxes can transform your organisation’s DEI journey into a much more rich experience of continuous growth and learning. In this practical session, you’ll discover: * Understanding the limitations of binary DEI […]
Examining the relationships between children’s self-reported affect, executive function and numeracy performance

Early cognitive development, a substantial predictor of future success in mathematical education and career choices, encompasses complex mechanisms that warrant examination as a whole, rather than in isolation. Notably, affective mechanisms, vital in identifying and interpreting threat and challenge, evolve in conjunction with executive abilities during crucial early childhood stages, laying the groundwork for subsequent […]
GEC CircleTable: Transforming Education (The Curriculum)

For the first webinar, Nic Ponsford (Founder and CEO of the GEC) and Circle expert, Meena Wood would love to invite you to be part of our GEC CircleTable: Transforming Education to explore models of school curriculum and assessment that work in the best interests of ALL children. The recent DfE Curriculum and Assessment Review […]
Inclusive Education for Diverse School Communities

Creating a sense of belonging and trust for students from diverse faith and cultural backgrounds is vital for: * Fostering a respectful school culture * Improving pupil attendance * Develop pupils skills of empathy and positive behaviour Therefore, it’s important in all areas of school life from behaviour to curriculum that we build trust and […]
Practical ways to have a positive impact on behaviour and inclusion

Nicole Rodden, co-founder of Life Lessons, will share a session on practical ways to have a positive impact on behaviour and inclusion. The key takeaways from the sessions include: * Hear practical tools for ensuring that your behaviour policies and interventions are inclusive * Explore ways to tackle behaviour incidents such as misogyny and racism […]
Children’s Participation in Schools: Annual Symposium

This event focuses upon the second phase of UWE Bristol’s three-year ESRC funded project exploring the following research questions: • How do primary teachers in Wales conceptualise and support young children’s participative rights and what are perceived enablers and barriers to practice? •How are young children’s participative rights in Welsh primary schools understood and experienced […]
Problematising education and digital technology webinar

Join us for an exciting webinar as part of a global event convened by Neil Selwyn, Professor of Digital Technology, Society and Education at the School of Education, Monash University. The University of East Anglia (UEA) schools of Education and Lifelong Learning and Computing Sciences invite researchers, teachers and educators across East Anglia to join […]
How to create inclusive classrooms for children with special education needs

Creating inclusive classrooms is essential for supporting all learners, including those with special education needs such as dyslexia, autism and ADHD. These environments not only benefit students with special education needs, but also enrich the learning experience for all children, encouraging empathy, understanding and collaboration. This helps ensure that every student can achieve their full […]
Challenging your learners in KS3 geography with the Royal Geographical Society

How do you ensure all learners are challenged and stimulated in your KS3 geography classes? This free live webinar will share practical strategies to provide challenge for all, within mixed ability groups. It will highlight a range of free online resources, with examples of how these could support and enrich your geography department’s provision. Jointly […]
Equity in education: challenge for all with Morgan Whitfield

In her recently published book Gifted? The Shift to Enrichment, Challenge and Equity, Morgan Whitfield advocates for “challenge for all” as an inclusive approach to teaching, whereby every student is invited, and given the tools, to reach a place of mastery. Drawing on her experience of school leadership and classroom practice across three continents, Whitfield […]
It’s alright for some: Are the effects of school exclusion heterogeneous?

In this seminar, Andrew estimates the direct effects of school exclusion on pupils’ academic achievement as well as whether they are heterogeneous by pupils’ socio-economic status (SES). The research looks at exclusion and achievement, sibling fixed effects, and population-wide data on English secondary pupils. His findings suggest there is a negative relationship between exclusion and […]
Cognitive variability in poor academic achievement: A focus on reading and/or math difficulties

Academic difficulties in reading and mathematics are influenced by a combination of domain-specific and domain-general cognitive factors. However, the heterogeneity of cognitive profiles among struggling learners remains poorly understood. In this talk, I will present a study that employed Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), to (1) determine whether distinct cognitive profiles exist among poor readers and […]
Hiding in Schools – Why do some students attend school but not class?

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) captures a range of behaviours reflecting a young person’s reduced or non-attendance at school. EBSA not only captures those who do not attend school completely but also those who are not going into classrooms, are not staying in classrooms, are not attending some lessons, or are avoiding particular places or […]
How Do We Know “What Works”?: Methodological issues in evaluating school-based interventions

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. Further information on this event to be added when it becomes available from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience