#ECSeries – Primary Geography: Embedding fieldwork in practice

#ECSeries – Primary Geography: Embedding fieldwork in practice

The Chartered College of Teaching is delighted to have partnered with the Geographical Association to present an online webinar for Primary colleagues.

This webinar is part of the #ECSeries and will focus on five keys areas:

1.  What fieldwork enquiry is (and isn’t) and how it has evolved in our classrooms.
2.  What successful Primary fieldwork looks like.
3.  How fieldwork can, and should, be integrated into a scheme of work – with a worked example.
4.  What progression in fieldwork looks like from EYFS to Yr.6.
5.  The wider benefits of fieldwork.


Our Presenters

Simon Collis MCCT, CTeach – Yr3/4 Class Teacher, Curriculum Lead, English Lead and Y3/4 Phase Leader at Emmaus Catholic and CofE Primary, Sheffield.  Simon has been teaching for over thirteen years, across key stage two.  Always looking for new CPD opportunities, he completed his Chartered Teacher status in 2019 and was reaccredited in 2022.  Simon also greatly enjoys being part of the ‘Primary Geography’ Editorial Board, who are collectively responsible for commissioning and editing issues of the GA’s Primary Geography journal.  He has written for ‘Primary Geography’ and NATE’s ‘Teaching English’.

Ben Ballin, Consultant, Geographical Association. Ben Ballin is an experienced Primary geography consultant.  He has worked, written and trained as a consultant to the Geographical Association, The Royal Geographical Society, TTS, Oddizzi and Tide~global learning.  Ben leads Primary geography networks in Shropshire and London and is a Fellow of the National Association for Environmental Education.

Dr Victoria Cook, Education and Research Project Specialist, Chartered College of Teaching – Victoria contributes to a variety of internal and external research projects at the Chartered College of Teaching. Prior to joining the College, Victoria worked as a postdoctoral Research Associate at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, on two international dialogue-based research projects. She is a qualified geography teacher and worked in secondary schools for over five years.

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Impact is the termly journal of the Chartered College of Teaching.  It connects research findings to classroom practice, with a focus on the interests and voices of teachers and educators.  It supports the teaching community by promoting discussion around evidence within the classroom, and enabling teachers to share and reflect on their own use of research.

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Chartered Teacher Status is a professional accreditation that recognises the knowledge, skills and behaviours of highly accomplished teachers and school leaders, offering a career pathway that is focused on developing and recognising high-quality teaching and leadership practice.  As a professional accreditation, Chartered Status builds on individual practice, priorities and interests and can be undertaken at your own pace, up to three years.

Fellowship (FCCT) was established to recognise the commitment and achievements of teachers and school leaders.  It is a formal mark of their achievements, skills and expertise as a teaching professional.  Nominate a colleague for Fellowship today.

The Chartered College of Teaching & Teacher Tapp Podcast – A collaboration between Teacher Tapp and the Chartered College of Teaching in which we look at hot off the press data on various topics concerning teaching, learning, and teacher development and ask teachers to comment on the findings by reflecting on their own experiences.

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