Original Research Critical and collaborative problem-solving: An action research project on the development of cognition-centred inquiry for Year 11 senior history
Original Research Student wellbeing: Research shows that the benefits are far-reaching, but implementation is key to success
Original Research ‘A unique opportunity in the curriculum for students to have genuine agency over their choices and outcome’: A study of the impact on learners of employability-focused, externally assessed Level 1 and Level 2 speaking and listening qualifications
Original Research Start, finish, revise: Engaging Grade 10 English students through social emotional learning
Original Research Developing sociolinguistic competence to become stronger intercultural communicators: The impact of an interview series on secondary girls in a world language classroom
Original Research Implementing a problem-solving approach (in Afrikaans) to strengthen comprehension skills
Original Research Making maths visible: Using vertical whiteboards to engage and encourage girls to take risks when solving problems in mathematics
Original Research Problem solved: Developing confidence in Year 5 girls through collaborative problem-solving
Original Research ‘But what can I do about it?’ Using design thinking in the classroom to increase advocacy in Year 11 girls
Original Research What Effect does the Teaching of Polya’s Problem Solving Steps have on the Ability of Year 5 Girls when Solving Non-Routine Problems in Mathematics?
Original Research The importance of developing pedagogical content knowledge for improving teaching expertise
Original Research Helping children in the Early Years to improve their communication: The impact of an eight-month programme of professional development
Original Research Effective digital practice: Developing digital fluency through student-led instruction
Original Research Correct the disconnect: An ethnographic study of a dual stream approach to practitioner development