How to set up a journal club

This will be a session to explain the benefits of setting up a journal club as part of their schools professional development program. This will also be an opportunity to learn how to set up a journal
club in their organisation.


Sara-Jane Ladums, Partnerships Manager, Chartered College of Teaching
Beth O’Brien, Education Content Manager, Chartered College of Teaching

Beth works at the Chartered College of Teaching in her role as Education Content Manager. Prior to this, Beth was Head of English in a London secondary school. Most recently, she led the FEA Journal Club Project with 100+ teachers and teaching assistants working in 91 schools across the UK. Funded by the Fair Education Alliance, this pilot research project aimed to test how journal clubs improved both teacher effectiveness and collaboration between practitioners in a range of roles, specifically when supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities. Findings from the project revealed that journal clubs improved practitioners’ ability and confidence to engage with educational research, improved their knowledge and application of specific strategies to support students with SEND and fostered greater collaboration between colleagues


October 15, 2024
4:00 pm