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Unleashing potential: Rethinking assessment for 21st century learning

Education systems recognise the urgency of fostering 21st century skills like problem solving, creative thinking and self-regulation for students to thrive in a dynamic and complex world. But how do we bridge the gap between theory and practice? The answer may be found in innovative assessments that not only measure what truly matters but also adapt swiftly to changing requirements.

Join us as we unlock the future of education assessments. We’ll discuss the current state of play, the persistent barriers, and how embracing ground-breaking ideas like gamification and personalisation can reshape the assessment landscape and empower our teachers and students for success.

Speakers include:

  • Kadriye Ercikan, Vice President of Research at Educational Testing Service (ETS).
  • Jack Buckley, Vice President of People Science at Roblox.
  • Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills.

Moderated by Mario Piacentini, Senior Analyst, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills.


October 13, 2023
2:00 pm

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