An Introduction to Visual Discomfort
This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. In this talk ‘Visual Discomfort’ refers to the aversive responses reported by susceptible individuals when viewing specific visual stimuli such as […]
Teams That Thrive
The current climate demands a special kind of leader with the competence and confidence to create and be part of a thriving team. What do we mean to lead and be a member of a team that thrives? Why is this fundamental to a flourishing organisational culture? 2 x 3-hour workshops – a week apart – Blended approach of facilitated online […]
How can you create cognitively challenging classrooms that make learners ‘think hard’ in lessons
This live, interactive course explores how to create a cognitively challenging environment for all learners in your classrooms. Session 1 – How can Adaptive Teaching provide cognitive challenge in a mixed ability classroom? What do we learn from research about Adaptive Teaching to be effective in a mixed ability classroom? What does effective task design […]
Leading for Impact
This two-part course will help teachers, especially those in leadership positions, to reflect on the challenges of leadership roles and how to best carry out initiatives in your school to create an environment for flourishing. The first session from the course will start on 14 January 2025 and the second on 21 January 2025. […]
The ITTECF: Our mutual friend?
About the session: ECT attrition remains high in England with one quarter leaving teaching within three years.In 2023 the Department for Education (DfE) called for evidence on the success and challenges of the Early Career Framework (ECF). Following a review of the findings, the DfE announced in 2024 that the Initial Teacher Training Core Content […]
An introduction to coaching: How to make ‘Every Conversation’ in your school more impactful
Coaching is one of our most powerful approaches to professional development and leadership. The benefits of coaching are well documented, this workshop will ‘get under the hood’ of how you can implement and embed coaching in the conversations that happen in your school – starting with the conversation you have with yourself. Additional information: Delegate fees: […]
Absence Report Webinar 2024
Join online – an evidence based plan for improving school attendance Speakers include: Caroline Bond, Overview, policy recommendations and evidence Pamela Qualter, Overview, policy recommendations and evidence Anna Wallace, Safe Taskforce case study Matthew Fletcher, Wirral case study Judith Temlett, Wirral case study Sean Harris, Endword and reflections
Multilingual language experiences and the relationship between ADHD and language performance in EFL
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is related to interactional competence with pragmatic challenges such as frequent excessive talking, difficulty waiting for one’s turn, frequent interruption of others, and seeming not to listen when being talked to directly. There is a lack of studies investigating the relationship between ADHD and the conversational competence of language learners. […]
Assessment in a changing world: Lessons learned and the path ahead
This event launches a new book by Isabel and Stuart entitled Educational Assessment in a Changing World: Lessons Learned and the Path Ahead. Isabel and Stuart will review a wide range of developments in society, education, and assessment, including significant initiatives and reports, events, new priorities and changes in theoretical views. They will conclude by […]
Digital citizenship, digital justice and the promise and perils of technological transformation
Bob will discuss the Teaching for Digital Citizenship: Digital Ethics in the Classroom and Beyond (TfDC) is large-scale research project housed within the ESRC Education Research Programme (2021-2026) directed by Professor Gemma Moss. The project seeks to engage philosophers of digital ethics, software development corporations serving the education sector, schools and policy-makers in the four […]
Personalising assessment
Over the educational sector’s 100-year-plus history, standardisation has been a central assumption in test theory and practice. The justification turns on levelling the playing field by presenting all examinees with equivalent experiences. In this seminar, Randy will present a case for the personalisation of assessments in practice, and the challenges that will need to be […]
Matt Pinkett – Combatting Misogyny in Schools
Matt Pinkett has been teaching English for over a decade. As well as this, he has written two best-selling books on adolescent masculinity (‘Boys Don’t Try?’ and ‘Boys Do Cry’) and spends lots of his time talking to students, staff and parents about topics ranging from boys’ mental health to misogyny to combatting sexual harassment. […]
Teaching EAL Pupils in Mainstream Classroom
Description Session 1 (1-hr) – The Learner’s Perspective Session 2 (1-hr) – The Language Rich Classroom: Improving Performance Across the Four Skills Session 3 (1-hr) – Pick Up The Habits of an EAL Teachers: Tips & Tricks to Enhance Language Acquisition Target audience: Classroom teachers Booking process: This interactive online course is delivered by Dragonfly Training. Participant […]
Embedding a culture of research: Contexts and challenges
This discussion, based on some of the key themes of Autumn’s issue of Impact, will ask the big questions about research and the teaching profession, with a focus on the robustness, reliability and relevance of research findings for varied education settings and the children they serve. Our guest-editor-led panel will be made up of Issue […]
International Teacher Development, Professionalism, and Mobility
In this webinar, panellists from COBIS Schools and the Chartered College of Teaching will explore the value of international school experience and the range of professional development opportunities for teachers and leaders in the international sector (including Chartered Status, formal training, opportunities to engage with research, initial teacher training, and more). The panellists will look […]
Making Sense of Autism and Developing Good Autism Practice
The sessions will be interactive with discussion points and activities and attendees will receive practical support packs that will empower them to implement their new skills and knowledge in their setting. What is Making Sense of Autism? An awareness raising module designed for everyone, covering a fundamental understanding of autism in order to achieve good […]
SEND and behaviour: Getting it right for all
In this session Amy explored best practice for effectively meeting the needs of students with SEND and creating a classroom environment where every student can learn effectively, feel valued and succeed. The session covered:.. • SEND: what does best practice look like in the classroom? • SEND: a changing pattern of need • Engaging students […]
Dr Jo Castelino – The Homework Conundrum
A webinar on how homework has the power to build student confidence and increase attainment. But this is only possible with careful and deliberate planning. In this session, Jo will share research-backed strategies to make homework effective but also sustainable for teachers and students. Dr Jo Castelino is currently leading the Science team at an […]
Rethinking Curriculum – Curriculum evaluation tool launch
This webinar launches the Curriculum Evaluation Framework for the Chartered College, Rethinking Curriculum project. The project aims to support and equip teachers and school leaders with the knowledge and skills to identify, plan and implement curriculum development work in a sustainable, creative and place based approach. This will mean that all pupils will have access […]
How to set up a journal club
This webinar gives you the opportunity to reflect on how journal clubs might be used to support evidence-informed practice in your context. Journal clubs are a regular cycle of meetings at which research is critically discussed by a group of practitioners. The journal club model can be used at trust-level, whole school level or departmental […]