Point of mastery

The point at which a learner has a high level of understanding of a given concept or domain

Pupil Premium

Additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities


In assessment, the degree to which the outcome of a particular assessment would be consistent – for example, if it were marked by a different marker or taken again


Progressively introducing students to new concepts to support their learning


A special educational needs coordinator – a teacher who is responsible for special educational needs at school

Spacing effect

The benefit to learning of including gaps between study and revision sessions


Teaching AssistantAn adult that assists a teacher in the classroom – an adult that assists the teacher in the classroom


Engaging in repeated practice of concepts beyond the point where a learner has already understood the key idea


The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills – a non-ministerial department responsible for inspecting and regulating services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills

Learning styles

Theories relating to the idea that individuals learn best in different ways and teaching should be tailored to their learning stylesTheories relating to the idea that individuals learn best in different ways and teaching should be tailored to their learning styles – these have been widely debunked by research – these have been widely debunked […]

Left/right brain dominance

The theory that each side of the brain controls different types of thinking – an example of a neuromyth

Mark schemes

Criteria used for assessing pieces of work in relation to particular grades

Multi-academy trust

Abbreviated to MAT, a group of schools working in collaboration, governed by a single set of members and directors


Multi-academy trustAbbreviated to MAT, a group of schools working in collaboration, governed by a single set of members and directors – a group of schools working in collaboration, governed by a single set of members and directors


A quantitative study design used to systematically assess the results of multiple studies in order to draw conclusions about that body of research


Cognitive Load TheoryAbbreviated to CLT, the idea that working memory is limited and that overloading it can have a negative impact on learning, and that instruction should be designed to take this into account – the idea that working memory is limited and that overloading it can have a negative impact on learning, and that […]

Direct instruction

A method of instruction in which concepts or skills are taught using explicit teaching techniques, such as demonstrations or lectures, and are practised until fully understood by each student