Improving the quality and quantity of teacher professional development: The Wellcome CPD Challenge

8 min read
Emily Perry, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Nan Davies, Wellcome, UK Joelle Halliday, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Sai Patel, Learn Sheffield, UK The Wellcome CPD Challenge In recent years, the Department for Education (DfE) has implemented large-scale teacher professional development initiatives, including the ‘Standard for teachers’ professional development’ (2016), the Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund (2017), the Early Career Framework (2020a) and the new specialist national professional qualifications (2020b). Despite this, there is limited evidence of sustained change towards a goal of all teachers being able to participate in high-quality professional development throughout their careers, and any requirement or entitlement for teachers to engage in professional development is so far missing from government policy in England (Fletcher-Wood and Zuccollo, 2020; Van den Brande and Zuccollo, 2021

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