Identification of strengths and difficulties in early executive functions amongst toddlers with a connection to autism or ADHD

Autism and ADHD are often associated with difficulties with Executive Functions (EFs) in childhood and adulthood, but due to measurement challenges, the prevalence and nature of these difficulties in early development is not well understood. Potential strengths have also been overlooked. In this talk I will describe the measures that colleagues and I have developed […]
Examining the relationships between children’s self-reported affect, executive function and numeracy performance

Early cognitive development, a substantial predictor of future success in mathematical education and career choices, encompasses complex mechanisms that warrant examination as a whole, rather than in isolation. Notably, affective mechanisms, vital in identifying and interpreting threat and challenge, evolve in conjunction with executive abilities during crucial early childhood stages, laying the groundwork for subsequent […]
Cognitive variability in poor academic achievement: A focus on reading and/or math difficulties

Academic difficulties in reading and mathematics are influenced by a combination of domain-specific and domain-general cognitive factors. However, the heterogeneity of cognitive profiles among struggling learners remains poorly understood. In this talk, I will present a study that employed Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), to (1) determine whether distinct cognitive profiles exist among poor readers and […]
Hiding in Schools – Why do some students attend school but not class?

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. Further information on this event to be added when it becomes available from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience.
How Do We Know “What Works”?: Methodological issues in evaluating school-based interventions

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. Further information on this event to be added when it becomes available from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience
Co-creating research with dyspraxic children

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD, or dyspraxia) is a congenital motor skills disorder impacting around 5-6% of school-age children, often leading to […]
An Introduction to Visual Discomfort

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. In this talk ‘Visual Discomfort’ refers to the aversive responses reported by susceptible individuals when viewing specific visual stimuli such as […]
The Neural Basis of Mathematical Skills: Exploring Domain-Specific and Domain-General Cognitive Abilities

The development of mathematical skills is intrinsically connected to different domain-specific and domain-general cognitive abilities. Domain-specific abilities encompass mental processes that are unique to a particular domain. In the case of mathematics, the symbolic understanding of numerical quantities and numerical order—the number of elements within a set and the sequence of numbers respectively—form a crucial […]
Supporting children’s language and literacy

Supporting children’s language and literacy learning environment in disadvantaged households in the United States: Challenges and opportunities Children’s early learning experiences set the stage for later language trajectories and school success. In this talk, Dr. Luo will present findings on children’s language and literacy experiences in families from U.S. low-income, language-minority backgrounds. Specifically, the talk […]
Anthropomorphising and mentalising in synaesthesia: New perspectives on social cognition

A webinar presented by Centre for Educational Neuroscience. Speaker: Dr Noam Sagiv, Brunel University
Brain Basis of Language Development

Abstract: There are comprehensive neuro-cognitive models of language processing in the adult brain, but we do not understand how language develops and what determines variability in skill. Our work attempts to determine the nature of specialization for phonology, semantics and syntax in the temporal and frontal cortices in 5- to 9-year-old children. We are testing Interactive […]
How can teachers become learning scientists, and why would this improve education? Teacher Development in Mind, Brain, and Education

Abstract: Many ask why the fields of Educational Neuroscience and Mind, Brain, and Education have not advanced more rapidly into professional development circles. Since the inception of Mind, Brain, and Education science in 2003 and the Society founding in 2007, thousands of teachers have participated in conferences like IMBES, Learning & the Brain, EARLI’s SIG 22 […]
Evaluating universal school-based interventions for mental health

At this week’s CEN seminar, Dr Jack Andrews will be discussing their work on evaluating universal school-based interventions for mental health. Evaluating universal school-based interventions for mental health Dr Jack Andrews, University of Oxford
Place-value structure of the Arabic number notation is a key to why math is difficult for a subgroup of people with dyscalculia

Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a math-specific learning difficulty that is believed to be a multi-cause condition. Former measurements found that typically developing adults and children process place-value number notations (such as the Arabic numbers) harder than sign-value notations (such as the Roman numbers) in simple mathematical tasks. Computational considerations suggest that place-value notation processing requires […]