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CATS Canterbury LeadMeet #5 ‘Powerful Conversations’

Join our LeadMeet event for a chance to share and hear leadership techniques for anyone leading in education. If you have never attended a LeadMeet, they offer a series of short 8-minute presentations and chance to network. Our theme is ‘Powerful Conversations’ and invites speakers on any aspect of this, from tackling challenges in line […]

Journal Club ‘Authors’

In collaboration with the Chartered College of Teaching and the Canterbury Christ Church University network hub, CATS Canterbury will host a Journal Club to hear from an edu-author and give you the opportunity to ask them your questions about their work or findings. This is an informal event, offering an opportunity to discuss pedagogy and […]

NQT +1 Programme 2021/22

This year indicates the last running of the one year NQT and as our current NQTs embark on their …

The Value Of Feedback

Come together for an free, online gathering of like-minded professionals for 3 sessions on the th…