Planning your professional learning (short course) Volume Purchase

SKU: ppl-23_vp Category:

Find out what research and evidence says about effective CPD and learn how to create a bespoke professional learning plan that will support growth and development in your role. If you are purchasing this course on behalf of others, please be aware that they will require membership of the Chartered College of Teaching to access the course. Vouchers are valid for 3 months from date of purchase.


This short online course aims to provide a helpful introduction to the evidence base around teacher CPD and will guide you through the process of creating a personalised professional learning plan that will drive your development and help to ensure that the CPD you engage with has impact on yourself, your school, and your pupils.

You’ll be able to receive formal certification for your learning by successfully completing a short quiz at the end of the course which is designed to assess your knowledge of the core course content.

In this course you will:

  • undertake an self-review using the Chartered College of Teaching’s Professional Framework, reflecting on your current professional development needs and identifying specific goals that will drive your professional learning
  • familiarise yourself with the evidence base around effective professional development and consider implications for your own professional development activity
  • develop a bespoke professional learning plan that will guide your ongoing professional development and support you to meet your professional learning goals.


This course is primarily aimed at classroom teachers and school leaders but may also be useful to individuals in other roles supporting teaching and learning in schools.

Estimated study time:

3 hours