In this webinar recording Graham Chisnell FCCT (CEO, Veritas Multi Academy Trust) talks about his work and includes key takeaways from his new book ‘Irresistible Learning: Embedding a culture of research in schools’
- Strengthen your research practice and help build a culture of research across your school
- Use the power of research to strengthen practice in yourself and others
Graham offers practical guidance how to engage in meaningful research that will have a deep and lasting impact on you and your organisation. You will be taken on a journey through a Research Cycle that will build your confidence and purpose as a researcher; deepening professional relationships and improving outcomes for all.
Graham’s book is available to purchase with a 30% discount for Chartered College Members : Book discounts
Shared Resources
- Download Graham Chisnell’s presentation
- Making Research Engagement a Reality
- Growing Teacher Expertise
- Explaining a Research-Based Model
- Perspectives on Coaching: What schools need to clarify
Our Presenters
Graham Chisnell FCCT, CEO Veritas Multi Academy Trust was appointed headteacher at the age of 26. He has led three primary schools, been a university lecturer and is currently CEO of a multi-academy trustAbbreviated to MAT, a group of schools working in collaboration, governed by a single set of members and directors in the South East of England. He was awarded the National Award for Research-Informed Practice by Professor Robin Alexander of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust in 2017 in recognition of the culture of research he had built in his school. Graham has a strong belief in supporting school leaders through system leadership and is a National Leader of Education, Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and a lead inspector for OfstedThe Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills – a non-ministerial department responsible for inspecting and regulating services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills. He is also the chair of a Chartered College of Teaching hub and has mentored on the Chartered Teacher Status programme.
Graham has been a champion of research throughout his career and has built a culture of research in his schools that empowers staff to take ownership of their practice. He has built a system of research, called the Research Cycle, and uses this to help staff in schools to engage in research.
Cat Scutt MBE, Director for Education and Research, Chartered College of Teaching. A former English teacher, Cat Scutt’s roles have since focused on supporting teacher development both online and through face-to-face activities, with a particular focus on development through collaboration and through engagement with research and evidence. She has worked as a teacher and advisor in the state and independent sector, as well as in corporate learning and development.