Webinar: Primary STEM Remote Teaching and Learning

An information webinar sharing resources teachers can use to support pupils working remotely

In this webinar recording chaired by Alison Peacock (Chief Executive, Chartered College of Teaching), Louise Stubberfield (Primary Science Programme Lead, Wellcome Trust), Thomas Barton (Primary Science Project Manager, Wellcome Trust) and Debbie Morgan (Director for Primary Mathematics, National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) shared information around resources teachers can use to support pupils working remotely.

Slides available to download below:


About Wellcome Trust

Wellcome exists to improve health by helping great ideas to thrive.

We support researchers, take on big health challenges, campaign for better science and help everyone get involved. We directly fund thousands of scientists and researchers around the world at every step of the way from discovery to impact. We identify areas in which Wellcome can lead significant change, aiming to transform the global response to some of today’s biggest health challenges. Through partnerships across the world, we advocate to ensure that good research is well supported, and that health is improved by changes to policies and practices based on evidence. We engage the public so that people are more aware of science and health research, and feel able to make the most of it in their own lives.


About Explorify (funded by Wellcome Trust)

Explorify is a free, award-winning easy-to-use digital resource to inspire primary pupils to think more deeply about science in the world around them. We at Wellcome (a charitable health foundation) have produced Explorify as part of our campaign to support teachers with science in primary schools throughout the UK.

Explorify encourages your children to ask questions, wonder and think together about the science in the world around them. We designed it with teachers to encourage creative discussion among pupils of all abilities with activities linked to UK national curricula. Explorify also provides support materials and articles for teachers and subject leaders too. Before you know it, you’ll see your pupils develop their thinking skills and begin to wonder like scientists.

Website: https://explorify.wellcome.ac.uk/

Twitter: @ExplorifySchool @WTeducation

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/explorifyschools

About the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)

The NCETM supports the professional development of all teachers of mathematics in England, including through its coordination of the Maths Hubs Programme. Central to much of its work is support for schools to adopt a teaching for mastery approach in maths classrooms and curriculum design. The NCETM is funded by the DfE.

Website: ncetm.org.uk

Twitter: @ncetm

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