Research can play an important role in teachers’ professional lives. It can provide: insights to understand the experiences of learners; guidance on addressing current priorities; and inspiration for thinking about what else is possible or desirable. This webinar will explore teachers’ experiences of accessing, exchanging and engaging with research and investigate the role of individuals, organisations, texts and technologies in mediating research. It will consider why it is that some kinds of research move more easily than others, and how the key messages from research studies change as they move. The webinar will share findings from the ESRC funded Research Mobilities in Primary Literacy Education project (ES/W000571/1) which is a collaboration between Sheffield Hallam University, Lancaster University and University of Stirling. While the project focused on literacy research, its findings raise questions relevant to other subjects and age phases: how can and does research speak to practice? How do we engage critically with research when it appears in many different forms? Which spaces and opportunities are needed for teachers to engage with research in ways that are professional empowering and fulfilling?
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Non-members, tickets can be purchased for £15 via the registration link.
Cathy Burnett, Professor of Literacy and Education
Cathy Burnett is Professor of Literacy and Education at Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. She has published extensively on the relationships between new technologies, literacy and schooling. Her most recent work focuses on research and data in education. She is currently leading the ESRC-funded, Research Mobilities in Primary Literacy Education and has led and contributed to projects funded by British Academy, Booktrust, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Department for Education, JISC and the Education Endowment Foundation.. She is an editor of Journal of Early Childhood Literacy and a past president of the United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA). She has also worked as a primary teacher and in teacher education.
Kate Bridge, Chartered College of Teaching Member
Dr Kate Bridge is Head of Physics and Head of Habs Diploma at Haberdashers Girls School in Elstree. She has 20+ years of classroom and middle -management experience in a number of different settings and achieve Chartered Status last academic year. She is Chair of the Practitioners council for the Foundation of Education Development and is newly elected to the Council for the Chartered College of Teaching. Kate is an advocate for Physics and nationally mentors non-specialists to feel confident in delivering the curriculum. She is also passionate about participation in Physical activity in education.
Tomi Folaranmi, Chartered College of Teaching Member
Tomi is a science teacher at Trinity Academy Leeds and a research champion for the Chartered College of Teaching. He is the Editor-in-Chief for the school’s in-house journal, TEACH, and drives teacher development through instructional coaching and delivering CPDs.
Tomi speaks and writes on leveraging research, particularly cognitive science, to empower teachers and enhance student learning.
Find out more about the Chartered College of Teaching:
- Early Career Hub – The Early Career Hub is our one-stop shop for trainee teachers, early career teachers, and those involved in supporting, coaching and mentoring those new to the profession.
- The Chartered College of Teaching & Teacher Tapp Podcast – A collaboration between Teacher Tapp and the Chartered College of Teaching in which we look at hot off the press data on various topics concerning teaching, learning, and teacher development and ask teachers to comment on the findings by reflecting on their own experiences.
- Early Childhood Hub – The Early Childhood Hub hosts content by, and for, early childhood education practitioners, with a focus on pedagogy and practice in early childhood education.
- Research Hub – The Research Hub hosts summaries of academic and practitioner research as well as reports that Chartered College of Teaching members have contributed to. You can also find a list of opportunities to participate in external research projects and access a range of tools to support you in your research engagement journey.
- Video Hub – The Video Hub hosts short classroom practice videos, filmed in a variety of settings, and recorded interviews with a range of teachers, leaders and educators. Members will also find, and be able to access, ‘on demand’ recordings of our previous webcasts and events.
- Impact is the termly journal of the Chartered College of Teaching. It connects research findings to classroom practice, with a focus on the interests and voices of teachers and educators. It supports the teaching community by promoting discussion around evidence within the classroom, and enabling teachers to share and reflect on their own use of research.
- Learning Hub – The Learning Hub is your home for professional learning and development. You will find links to bitesize CPD units and details of other available courses.
- Chartered Teacher Status is a professional accreditation that recognises the knowledge, skills and behaviours of highly accomplished teachers and school leaders, offering a career pathway that is focused on developing and recognising high-quality teaching and leadership practice. As a professional accreditation, Chartered Status builds on individual practice, priorities and interests and can be undertaken at your own pace, up to three years.