Rosenshine’s Principles: Questioning, with Tom Sherrington

Tom Sherrington is an education consultant and author. He writes the popular blog and his books include The Learning Rainforest and best-seller Rosenshine’s Principles in Action. Most recently he co-authored the Teaching WalkThrus series with Oliver Caviglioli. With 30 years' experience as a physics and maths teacher and school leader, Tom is in demand from schools around the world to deliver CPD for teachers and leadership teams. He works with hundreds of schools and colleges providing training and consultancy support on improving the quality of teaching through the Walkthrus materials. He is a regular keynote speaker and contributor to conferences and education festivals. Learn more about the Chartered College of Teaching Early Career Hub – The Early Career Hub is our one-stop shop for trainee teachers, early career teachers, and those involved in supporting, coaching and mentoring those new to the profession. Early Childhood Hub – The Early Childhood Hub

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