The Chartered College of Teaching is delighted to have partnered with ACAMH to present a FREE online training series, ‘Pedagogy in practice’, exclusively for teachers and school leaders.

This series focuses on pedagogical approaches and practical strategies that can be used to support a range of aspects of pupil mental health in school.  It gives attendees a unique opportunity to take part in interactive expert webinars looking at how to approach key topics in school.

About the session

This webinar is part of a series of FREE online events exclusively for teachers and school leaders, and offer insights into best practice in supporting children and adolescents building on the latest evidence base.

Event attendees will have access not just to the event itself but to supporting materials and resources to help them embed effective practice in their schools.

Presentations will be given by:  Jules Sanders (Head of Multi Disciplinary Team, School for Inspiring Talents),  Megan Hornsby (Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, School for Inspiring Talents) and Saira Saeed.

Panelists:  Jan Forshaw (Head of Education, Coram Life Education) and Jonathan Baggaley (CEO, PSHE Association).


Our Presenters

Jules Sanders, Head of the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) at School for Inspiring Talents and the Life Chance Group.  School for Inspiring Talents (SfIT) is an award-winning therapeutic education provider specialising in supporting young people aged 7-16 who have experienced trauma. 

Jules has 18 years’ experience as a qualified teacher and SENDCo supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND), specialising in social, emotional and mental health (SEMH), trauma and inclusion.  During her time working in education Jules has developed her experience within primary settings, particularly those in areas of high need and deprivation, and within specialist SEMH settings and Alternative Provision in various leadership roles.

In addition to her education sector experience, Jules has been employed at a senior level within the Health Sector.  In 2011 she became Head of the Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) Team in Plymouth as part of Plymouth CAMHS.  During her time with CAMHS she also worked as a Senior Primary Mental Health Worker and held interim responsibility for the Primary Mental Health Work Team and the Infant Mental Health Team. 

Megan Hornsby, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, Life Chance Group, working alongside young people to engage them in trauma focused cognitive behavioural therapy interventions. Megan is qualified and experienced in staff supervision and offers wellbeing guidance and support for Life Chance staff.

She qualified as a social worker in 2010, gaining experience via roles in education settings, social care and mental health. In 2015, Megan pursued further training and became a warranted Approved Mental Health Professional. In 2020, Megan was appointed Mental Health Practitioner at School for Inspiring Talents. With her wealth of knowledge of community services and the manifestations of mental health, Megan created a role that embraced a holistic approach to emotional wellbeing support, adapting over time to develop a multi-dimensional service supporting students, staff, families and the wider Life Chance Community. Megan also continues to support the local authority as an Approved Mental Health Professional and registered social worker. 

Saira Saeed – Experienced Leader, DSL, SENCO, Medical Lead, Senior Mental Health Lead within the Secondary sector.  Saira has worked in Secondary education for the last 17 years and has extensive experience as an English and PSHE teacher, DSL, SENCO and Medical Lead in a number of inner-city Secondary schools in the West Midlands. She was a key member of teams in two separate Secondary Schools that worked effectively to see the removal of Special Measures and receive ‘Good’ Ofsted judgements. Saira has successfully devised and strategically led the implementation of effective SEND, Medical and Safeguarding systems in a number of schools throughout her career to date. As she is passionate about all things Safeguarding and SEND, she always strives to share her knowledge with others whenever she can in order to support best practices becoming the norm in as many settings as possible. 

Jan Forshaw, Head of Education, Coram Life Education – Jan began her career teaching across primary and middle schools, including senior leadership roles, in Bradford, West Yorkshire.  Children’s wellbeing and mental health was always at the heart of her work as a teacher and influenced her move to children’s health and wellbeing charity Coram Life Education.  She has been Head of Education at Coram Life Education since 2009, having been Director of Training and before that an educator and senior trainer.  Jan oversees development of the diverse education programmes at Coram Life Education which include provision of high-quality education workshops in school and its acclaimed SCARF online PSHE (including statutory RSHE) curriculum.  She understands that within education the teacher’s role is crucial in helping children to thrive – socially, physically, mentally and academically – and works hard to ensure that Coram Life Education’s ethos and practices prioritise relevant, practical and timely support for teachers, alongside the provision of the highest-quality, inspiring programmes and resources that children deserve and need, to be their best.

Jonathan Baggaley, CEO, PSHE Association – Jonathan is Chief Executive of the PSHE Association, leading efforts to ensure all children and young people receive high-quality PSHE education. Jonathan led the Association’s campaign for statutory PSHE, bringing together over 100 leading organisations to call for curriculum change. He is now working closely with government and wider stakeholders to ensure the new statutory requirements for Relationships, Sex and Health education achieve their transformative potential. Jonathan has worked in education at a national level for many years, bringing particular expertise in educating young people about risks, harms and opportunities of online technologies. Prior to joining the PSHE Association he was Head of Education at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (now part of the National Crime Agency).  He is currently a member of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety Digital Resilience group and sits on the DCMS Media Literacy Taskforce Steering Board. He is Vice Chair of the National Youth Jazz Collective.

About the ‘Pedagogy in practice’ series

These are a series of FREE online events exclusively for teachers and school leaders, and offer insights into best practice in supporting children and adolescents building on the latest evidence base.  They are brought to you as part of an exciting new partnership between The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) and the Chartered College of Teaching, two charities who are dedicated to supporting teachers to make a difference to the mental wellbeing of children and young people.

These sessions are designed to help close the knowledge gap in a range of topics that now form part of the statutory Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum.  We think it is important to help equip teachers with knowledge in areas that may be less familiar to them and to help them consider how they might most effectively deliver these topics to children and adolescents as part of the curriculum.

These sessions will build on previous webinars run by ACAMH, attendees are strongly encouraged to watch back the ‘Ask the Expert’ series, delegates for this session are strongly encouraged to watch back the Ask the Expert: Understanding Self-Harm & SuicideAll of these sessions plus a host of other free resources for teachers can be found on ACAMH’s Teacher Hub.

The Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) is a unique multi-disciplinary organisation, and charity, established for over 60 years committed to ‘Sharing best evidence, improving practice’.

Full membership information and the benefits of being a member of the Chartered College of Teaching can be found here 

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