Many who gained qualified teacher status (QTS) before 2020 will remember a major feature of their training as amassing a huge amount of ‘evidence’ over time to demonstrate that they had met the Teachers’ Standards (DfE, 2012, but in place since 1993). This evidence, often contained in several folders-worth of paper, was measured against the Teachers’ Standards, often on the granular scale of whether an individual lesson ‘met’ the standards.
However, the Carter Review of 2015 found substantial variation in ITE (initial teacher education) curricula and significant gaps, therefore suggesting that a body should draw up a framework of core content for all ITE in England. Such a framework was published in 2016 and later expanded to become the Core Content Framework (CCF) for ITT (DfE, 2019). It is now mandatory for all providers to ensure that their ITE curricula go beyond the core of the CCF, and the ITE Inspection Framework (Ofsted, 2
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