Effective digital practice: Developing digital fluency through student-led instruction

6 min read
George Davies-Craine, Subject Leader for Geography and Digital Learning Lead, Dr Challoner’s Grammar School. Introduction The advancement of effective digital practice is beyond students just ‘googling’ the answer. Teachers need to be given effective CPD (continuing professional development) to ensure that students communicate, innovate and critically analyse information when using digital devices in the classroom. This paper presents original action research into developing digital fluency through student-led instruction, undertaken during 2021–2022. In addition, it details the correlating CPD to advance digital practice within the classroom, as well as online and blended learning. Blended learning Since the late 1990s, education and digital technology have been mixed in many ways (Guzer and Caner, 2013), however, the term ‘blended learning’ first appeared in the early 2000s. In summary, it is the integration of digital devices into traditional lessons – the term ‘

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