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The future’s bright, the future’s onscreen assessments

Written by: Ciaran Ellis
6 min read
CIARAN ELLIS, CURRICULUM LEADER OF DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY, LAURUS RYECROFT, UK  Times are changing, within both the education sector and the wider world. This is unavoidable, and as educators we need to prepare our students for a future that we may not even be able to comprehend yet. The rate of technological development has been unfathomable since I and many other teachers were at school. (It was not that long ago!) Assessment is currently and has always been a hot topic in education, and while theorists like Dylan Wiliam and Robert Coe give us an insight into the purpose, usefulness and effectiveness of assessment, we are now having to readdress the practicalities and the very act of terminal assessment. In addition to this, in recent weeks we have had AQA, Pearson and OCR release their ‘visions’ for on-screen terminal assessments for the students that we teach. This article explores whether this view for the future is realistically achievable or even fair to do so. This is

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