Andy Silvain and Sarah Seleznyov, School 360, Big Education, UK
In September 2021, School 360, a state primary in Newham, London, opened its doors to its first cohort of Reception-age pupils. As co-headteachers, we wanted some guiding principles to help to shape decisions taken about leadership structures, curriculum, pedagogies and assessment during the year spent planning for opening. We had read about the importance of values-based leadership (Copeland, 2014) and decided to commit to a core set of values that would shape the school.
This article describes the history of the school’s approach to values-led education, including an honest reflection on its successes and challenges. We begin by exploring the literature on the importance of values for schools, and go on to describe how the values shaped school practices and the impact on pupils, parents and staff of using shared values to shape School 360’s approach.
The importance of values for pupils is enshrined in the 20
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