Free home learning resources: Selected links

Written By: Author(s): Cat Scutt
16 min read
Links to online and paper-based resources for home learning in different subjects and phases

This list of links is one of three put together relating to the COVID-19 outbreak and school closures. They were all originally part of one list, but as the number of links increased it has now been split into three for easier navigation.

Online, distance and home learning: Selected reading

The first selected reading list relates specifically to online and home learning, including research and blogs about online learning (including using multimedia, online assessment, e-safety and more), about supporting parents and parental engagement, about supporting pupil wellbeing, and about online teacher CPD.

The impact of school closures: Selected reading

The second reading list looks at the impact of school closures due to COVID-19 more generally, including guidance from DfE and key education stakeholders including unions, alongside research and blogs about the potential impact on pupil learning and the attainment gap, ‘summer learning loss’, the use of teacher assessment and more.

Free home learning resources: Selected links (this list)

Thecd final list, on this page, is focused specifically on free resources and tools for online and home learning, and includes links to lists others have collated, as well as resources from a range of schools and subject associations. This is provided as a starting point, but the resources have not been quality assured and it is far from comprehensive.


Introduction: Free home learning resources

This collection of links contains links to resources and tools that may be useful, and as such is more practical than these curated reading lists usually are.

Many organisations and individuals have collated lists of useful resources, free tools etc for use to support home learning and distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak. As such, this page is partly a ‘list of lists’, but also includes some links to specific resources from different sources where these have been widely recommended by teaching practitioners and / or produced by schools and other expert organisations. The linked resources and tools have not been reviewed or quality assured, and the Chartered College is not responsible for the content of any external links.

The collection is organised into the following sections:

1: Other people’s lists of resources 

2: Resources produced by teachers, schools, multi-academy trusts, LAs etc

3: Resources produced by subject associations, education charities and similar

4: Resources produced by commercial organisations, publishers and similar

Additionally, at the bottom of the page, all of the links in the sections above that are phase or subject specific have been organised by subject / phase:

5: Resources organised by subject / phase

Whilst some of the resources linked have been produced specifically in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many are more general. The list will be regularly updated with new links, and suggestions of other resources to add are very welcome. Not all subject areas are covered yet.


1: Other people’s lists of resources 

The Department for Education have published a list of online learning resources for use at home, organised by subject and phase

Tes have produced a list of 113 free resources for home learning

James Mannion and colleagues at UCL IOE have collated an extensive list of online learning resources for use at home, organised by subject and phase

The Council for Subject Associations has collected together home learning resources from a range of different subject associations

The Eden Academy Trust have collated a list of resources, links and live sessions suitable for pupils with SEND

Chatterpack have collected a huge list of links to home learning resources of all types and forms

Edtech Impact’s list of digital learning tools now shows all the offers (for example free access) being made by providers on their list to support schools during the COVID-19 outbreak

Kurstin Diggs and others have collated a list of publishers and authors who have given permission for their books to be read aloud online during the COVID-19 outbreak and any requirements; School Library Journal have also collated similar information

Katy Potts has put together some strategies and links to resources to support home learning in a Primary school context

Jodie Lopez has created a Padlet with lots of home learning ideas for EYFS / primary

The ASE have curated a list of Primary Science-related resources and Secondary Science-related resources for remote learning, including lesson ideas, CPD and home learning activities

@RemoteLearning’s feed on Twitter ‘aims to aggregate and share resources, experiences and guidance from across the community’

AmazingEducationalResources has created a spreadsheet of companies (internationally) offering free subscriptions during school closures

WideOpenSchool’s website is not a list as such, but curates resources for pupils of different ages from a wide range of sources – very US oriented

2: Resources produced by teachers, schools, multi-academy trusts, LAs etc

Emily Weston has created a virtual careers week for primary pupils, with a powerpoint and a sheet for a range of different careers (contributed by people in those professions)

Oak National Academy are providing a bank of provide a bank of high-quality, sequenced video lessons and resources for teachers to use as they wish with pupils, covering a range of subjects for pupils of all ages, including maths, English, art and languages

Greenshaw Learning Trust are working with BeReadyGroup to offer remote lessons for pupils of all ages, across a range of subjects, for the summer term free to any schools who wish to use it

Reach Academy Feltham are publishing daily lessons for each Primary year group for Maths, English and a Foundation subject

Robin Hood MAT have shared all of their learning projects (all Primary key stages) for use by parents and / or other schools

Early Years to Year 8 Maths lesson plans and videos from White Rose Maths to support parents with home learning

The #CogSciSci website has a list of links to resources produced by secondary Science teachers, many of which (for example the booklets) may be particularly useful for remote learning

Adam Boxer is producing short ‘explainer’ videos for GCSE Physics and Chemistry on YouTube

Stuart Pryke has shared his secondary English resources that may be useful for remote learning; Jess Hayes has produced two further booklets for GCSE English set poems using a similar format.

Rachel Lewin has shared a set of Secondary History quizzing questions created for use in Quizlet

@TheArtClassroom on Twitter is sharing Art lesson ideas that can be done at home, with some more complicated / requiring more equipment than others! Some more secondary oriented, but some suitable for primary with support. The first few lessons include Zentangles, negative space, rubbings and textureDIY screen printing, dots, and lithography

Andrew Cowley and Kelly Hannaghan are producing a weekly ‘wellbeing toolkit’ newsletter for the whole school community – so far they have published edition 1 and edition 2

Jenn Ludgate has shared a range of resources and booklets for secondary English

3: Resources produced by subject associations, education charities and similar

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

NATRE have produced free home learning resources for RE for primary and secondary

The English and Media Centre are offering free Key Stage 3 and 4 home learning resource packs for English

The Economist Foundation offer free resources for teachers, parents and children to encourage critical thinking about current events (probably most suitable for Key Stage 2 and 3, though they don’t specify)

Public Health England’s e-bug website includes resources for using with Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 pupils to encourage habits to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Resources for parents from the National Literacy Trust to support home learning of literacy for primary pupils

Driver Youth Trust’s ‘At-home Activities’ pack contains 18 printable writing and drawing activities children can complete related to their reading book, suitable for primary and early secondary

DREME have collated some of their best blogs and activities for use in early years maths at home

micro:bit have collated some online resources around coding designed for 8-14 year olds, many of which don’t need a physical micro:bit, but there are ones which do as well

Place2Be have provided some activities to help support pupil wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak (link added 7th April)

The Royal Academy of Engineering have made a collection of STEM resources and suggested home learning projects available

The Institute of Physics have produced materials to support remote teaching and learning of physics

Available for primary, secondary and post-16, UK Parliament’s range of free online resources includes activities, videos, games and downloadable books, covering topics across the UK curricula, including elections, debating, British Values and the work and role of UK Parliament in our democracy

4: Resources produced by commercial organisations, publishers and similar

Many more are included in the lists collated in section 1 of this page.

The BBC are releasing a wide range of home learning resources for all phases and subjects, on a dedicated TV channel and on their website – their daily lessons are available now

Seneca Learning has lots of free online courses (as well as paid ones) aimed at a range of different age groups, including a set of courses based on Primary History and Geography curriculum materials from Reach Academy Feltham

OUP have produced free home learning packs for a range of secondary subjects

Twinkl are providing free access to their resources for primary school teachers and parents during the COVID-19 outbreak

Massolit provide video lectures linked to a range of secondary curriculum areas, and are offering extended access to their free trials during the COVID-19 outbreak (currently they have committed to until the end of April)

Third Space Maths Hub are offering free maths home learning resources for Key Stage 1 and 2

OUP’s Oxford Owl for Home site includes lots of resources to support home learning for primary pupils in reading, English and Maths, including free ebooks.

Library Science Degrees Online has published an article about free STEM resources provided by public libraries in the US, including links to online resources that can be used at home.

5: Resources organised by subject / phase

These links are the same as those in the section above, but organised by subject / phase.


Resources and lists including all phases / subjects

Oak National Academy are providing a bank of provide a bank of high-quality, sequenced video lessons and resources for teachers to use as they wish with pupils, covering a range of subjects for pupils of all ages, including maths, English, art and languages

The Department for Education have published a list of online learning resources for use at home, organised by subject and phase

James Mannion and colleagues at UCL IOE have collated an extensive list of online learning resources for use at home, organised by subject and phase

Chatterpack have collected a huge list of links to home learning resources of all types and forms

Edtech Impact’s list of digital learning tools now shows all the offers (for example free access) being made by providers on their list to support schools during the COVID-19 outbreak

@RemoteLearning’s feed on Twitter ‘aims to aggregate and share resources, experiences and guidance from across the community’

AmazingEducationalResources has created a spreadsheet of companies (internationally) offering free subscriptions during school closures

Tes have produced a list of 113 free resources for home learning

The BBC are releasing a wide range of home learning resources for all phases and subjects, on a dedicated TV channel and on their website – their daily lessons are available now

Greenshaw Learning Trust are working with BeReadyGroup to offer remote lessons for pupils of all ages, across a range of subjects, for the summer term free to any schools who wish to use it


The Eden Academy Trust have collated a list of resources, links and live sessions suitable for pupils with SEND

General early years / primary

Robin Hood MAT have shared all of their learning projects (all Primary key stages) for use by parents and / or other schools

Twinkl are providing free access to their resources for primary school teachers and parents during the COVID-19 outbreak

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Katy Potts has put together some strategies and links to resources to support home learning in a Primary school context

Jodie Lopez has created a Padlet with lots of home learning ideas for EYFS / primary

Reach Academy Feltham are publishing daily lessons for each Primary year group for Maths, English and a Foundation subject

The Royal Academy of Engineering have made a collection of STEM resources and suggested home learning projects available – some are suitable for primary

Early Years / Primary Maths

DREME have collated some of their best blogs and activities for use in early years maths at home

Early Years to Year 8 Maths lesson plans and videos from White Rose Maths to support parents with home learning

Third Space Maths Hub are offering free maths home learning resources for Key Stage 1 and 2

OUP’s Oxford Owl for Home site includes lots of resources to support home learning for primary pupils in reading, English and Maths, including free ebooks

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Reach Academy Feltham are publishing daily lessons for each Primary year group for Maths, English and a Foundation subject

Early Years / Primary literacy and English

Resources for parents from the National Literacy Trust to support home learning of literacy for primary pupils

Driver Youth Trust’s ‘At-home Activities’ pack contains 18 printable writing and drawing activities children can complete related to their reading book, suitable for primary and early secondary

OUP’s Oxford Owl for Home site includes lots of resources to support home learning for primary pupils in reading, English and Maths, including free ebooks

Kurstin Diggs and others have collated a list of publishers and authors who have given permission for their books to be read aloud online during the COVID-19 outbreak and any requirements; School Library Journal have also collated similar information

Reach Academy Feltham are publishing daily lessons for each Primary year group for Maths, English and a Foundation subject

Primary Science

The ASE have curated a list of Primary Science-related resources and Secondary Science-related resources for remote learning, including lesson ideas, CPD and home learning activities

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Primary Computing

micro:bit have collated some online resources around coding designed for 8-14 year olds, many of which don’t need a physical micro:bit, but there are ones which do as well

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Primary Humanities

NATRE have produced free home learning resources for RE for primary and secondary

Seneca Learning has lots of free online courses (as well as paid ones) aimed at a range of different age groups, including a set of courses based on Primary History and Geography curriculum materials from Reach Academy Feltham

Primary PSHE / Citizenship

Public Health England’s e-bug website includes resources for using with Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 pupils to encourage habits to prevent the spread of COVID-19

The Economist Foundation offer free resources for teachers, parents and children to encourage critical thinking about current events (probably most suitable for Key Stage 2 and 3, though they don’t specify)

Place2Be have provided some activities to help support pupil wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak (link added 7th April)

Emily Weston has created a virtual careers week for primary pupils, with a powerpoint and a sheet for a range of different careers (contributed by people in those professions)

Available for primary, secondary and post-16, UK Parliament’s range of free online resources includes activities, videos, games and downloadable books, covering topics across the UK curricula, including elections, debating, British Values and the work and role of UK Parliament in our democracy

General secondary

OUP have produced free home learning packs for a range of secondary subjects

Massolit provide video lectures linked to a range of secondary curriculum areas, and are offering extended access to their free trials during the COVID-19 outbreak (currently they have committed to until the end of April)

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

The Council for Subject Associations has collected together home learning resources from a range of different subject associations

The Royal Academy of Engineering have made a collection of STEM resources and suggested home learning projects available

Secondary English

The English and Media Centre are offering free Key Stage 3 and 4 home learning resource packs for English

Driver Youth Trust’s ‘At-home Activities’ pack contains 18 printable writing and drawing activities children can complete related to their reading book, suitable for primary and early secondary

Stuart Pryke has shared his secondary English resources that may be useful for remote learning; Jess Hayes has produced two further booklets for GCSE English set poems using a similar format

Jenn Ludgate has shared a range of resources and booklets for secondary English

Secondary Maths

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Early Years to Year 8 Maths lesson plans and videos from White Rose Maths to support parents with home learning

Secondary Science

The ASE have curated a list of Primary Science-related resources and Secondary Science-related resources for remote learning, including lesson ideas, CPD and home learning activities

The #CogSciSci website has a list of links to resources produced by secondary Science teachers, many of which (for example the booklets) may be particularly useful for remote learning

Adam Boxer is producing short ‘explainer’ videos for GCSE Physics and Chemistry on YouTube

The Institute of Physics have produced materials to support remote teaching and learning of physics

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Secondary Art

@TheArtClassroom on Twitter is sharing Art lesson ideas that can be done at home, with some more complicated / requiring more equipment than others! Some more secondary oriented, but some suitable for primary with support. The first few lessons include Zentangles, negative space, rubbings and textureDIY screen printing, dots, and lithography

Secondary Humanities

NATRE have produced free home learning resources for RE for primary and secondary

Secondary Computing

micro:bit have collated some online resources around coding designed for 8-14 year olds, many of which don’t need a physical micro:bit, but there are ones which do as well

STEM Learning have produced free home learning materials for primary and secondary, covering a range of subjects including the sciences, computing, D&T and maths

Secondary PSHE / Citizenship

Public Health England’s e-bug website includes resources for using with Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 pupils to encourage habits to prevent the spread of COVID-19

The Economist Foundation offer free resources for teachers, parents and children to encourage critical thinking about current events (probably most suitable for Key Stage 2 and 3, though they don’t specify)

Place2Be have provided some activities to help support pupil wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak (link added 7th April)

Available for primary, secondary and post-16, UK Parliament’s range of free online resources includes activities, videos, games and downloadable books, covering topics across the UK curricula, including elections, debating, British Values and the work and role of UK Parliament in our democracy

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