TeachTogether is a free service from the Chartered College of Teaching and The Behavioural Insights Team, which sends one text a week to support teachers’ wellbeing. You can find out more and sign up here. In one week’s message, we asked teachers to tell us one small thing they do to switch off in the evening – here’s what you told us!
I go for a short stroll in the garden. I feel lucky I can do that. |
Watch a film or tv show as a family with dinner |
Settle down with the next Marvel film with my husband (we’re watching them all in order!) |
To switch off this week I will FaceTime my family and cuddle my son. |
Make music with my daughter (it will probably involve pan lids as well as more traditional instrumentation) |
As a family we are watching every Marvel film in story order, family time and pure escapism is the perfect switch off |
I’ve cooked dinner for my partner who has turned his new cafe into a bakery and has spent the day baking bread to order for customers in Worthing. He’s shattered! |
Making a weekend meal on a week day!! |
I hug my family |
We’re going to watch the live stream from the National Theatre together tonight. It’s something that we can do as a family. It will get me away from my laptop and I’m really looking forward to it. Tomorrow night my colleagues and I are going to have a virtual curry night instead of the real one we had planned in weeks ago ? It’s great to stay connected with friends during this time. Thank you so much for doing this |
Add to my crocheted blanket |
Taking time out to listen to music ? has b my way of switching off. |
Watch a favourite film that makes me laugh. |
Reading with a glass of wine! |
I’ve saved my daily exercise to walk the dogs. Otherwise I’d just play with the dogs anyway. I also like to put a great song on and dance around as if I don’t have a care in the world. |
Catching up on Series 3 of Westworld. |
I will learn a new song on my piano |
Played hot potato with my family for 2 mins. Last one holding stress ball does the dishes.? |
Turn off my phone x |
Going for a bike ride with my children has really helped me every day |
To switch off I watch the birds in my garden. |
Watching 2 men 1 gov streaming from the national theatre |
Read something non-work related, watch something or sleep 🙂 |
Watched tv |
Quiz night with family |
I take time to go out for my one per day walk with my dog. |
Read Harry Potter! |
Play Tipping Point on the iPad app… totally addictive and frustrating, and a definite distraction from the world! |
Remote catch up with a friend through houseparty and hopefully turn up on the camera with our dog in shot for laughs! |
5K run, Netflix and a Live Yoga class tomorrow morning! Can’t wait! |
Do a silly dance with my kids |
I took part in a Pilates class on Zoom. It was an hour of ‘me’ time which was fab! |
Redecorating the kids playroom. Helps me refocus my thoughts and energies and reconnect with life at home. |
I play a game on the computer, find some music I can really belt out singing too and focus on making dinner and all the home comforts for my NHS partner when he gets home so he can destress. |
Drinking prosseco and watching Mrs Maisel… I love switching off! |
The best home learning that has been set by my daughter’s school “what are your top 5 songs and why”. Playlist created and after an hour of careful deliberations with the whole family dancing around the lounge to some amazing songs, we had laughed so much, shared so many memories and completely forgotten everything, for a few minutes. Music really does make you smile. |
Played Cluedo with my children! |
Tonight I will be watching The Repair Shop! A truly uplifting programme. I also know that my self isolating father will also be watching it too! |
Have a hot bath. |
Tonight I will escape to a different place by reading the book that I have started. |
I am going to plant tomato plant and lettuce seeds ? |
I am going to bed! Still wfh all day but recovering from a first stage knee replacement revision so feeling more tired than normal and very guilty about not being in. My team at Nene Park Academy are doing an amazing job and I hope they understand how brilliant I think they all are. |
Knitting |
Super easy yoga stretches and deep breathing – beautiful! |
Skype family |
Go for a walk |
A long bath and a really early night …….. and maybe some Haribo ? |
I will read a book. |
I’m going to watch a film with my boys |
Enjoying a well-earned bubble bath! (For longer than 5 minutes before I hear ‘Muuuuuummmmm’) |
Reading a book with a nice cup of tea! |
Being spending 15-20 mins by myself doing an exercise video from YouTube. Makes me feel sane and keeps me in shape! |
Long hot bath for me 🙂 |
Messaging my best friend. |
This evening, I will listen to the next episode of my favourite podcast. |
Sit and listen to a podcast with my eyes closed. A small thing but really relaxing. |
Bedtime stories with my little 3-year-old boy ❤️ |
An impromptu PUB quiz on FaceTime with the family! |
Little photography project, dusting off the camera this hasn’t seen the light of day in a long time! |
Go outside (garden) and listen to the birds |
Reading my daughter a bedtime story. |
Grooming the dog |
Reading a book, having a relaxing bath. |
Curling up with a good book. |
I have enrolled in a Tara Brach “Mindfulness for anxiety and sleep” course. It is interesting and thought provoking. ? |
Go for a walk, take a turn down a street you haven’t walked before and smile at everyone you pass: |
I am going to go for a walk for my once a daily outing 🙂 |
A 75 minute cycle ride! |
Play board games with the family. |
Read a book and take a walk |
Tonight I am finding the old Nintendo Wii and playing games with my family. |
Have dinner with my family |
I will use the Headspace app – it’s brilliant! |
Go for my once a day walk |
I will have a glass of wine and watch the birds in my garden for a while. |
FaceTime with a friend. |
Watch a Disney film with my husband and son |
We have a google meet staff quiz – last week over 100 logged on from across our matMulti-academy trust - a group of schools working in collaboration, governed by a single set of members and directors and it was great fun! |
Sit quietly and listen to Astor Piazzola Oblivion once with my eyes closed and once with my eyes open. |
Playing head and catch with my children |
Netflix |
Watch a web series on Nerflix. |
I will walk my lovely dog. |
Hmmm. Actually booked on what promises to be a fab webinar with Daisy Christadoulou but I will definitely have a g and t with it!! |
Prune my apple tree ? |
Simple thing – hot bath and kindle – complete switch off (hopefullly)! ?? |
Painting an egg for an Easter egg competition |
I will call my cousin. |
I’ll be reading my bible scriptures and praying for all of us that this will come to an end soon. |
Hiding laptop away so the lounge feels like ‘normal’, not a home office. |
Thank you. I will be going for a run with my son trying to keep up or, on his bike keeping up. Take care all. |
Painting my toe nails! |
Walk and look at the signs of spring. The world will keep turning and we will all move forwards- stronger. |
Play a video game |
Getting out my yoga mat for the first time in ages and completing an online yoga session. |
Will be watching re-runs of Manchester City’s extraordinary winning season – a look back on very happy days! Hope everyone is safe and well ? |
Cook a tasty, fresh thai dish to enjoy with my other half |
I am going out for a walk tonight with my daughter |
I am going to complete a paint by numbers picture with my children. Thanks the reminder, much appreciated |
I will eat dinner with my kids, talk about anything but work or Covid-19 & really enjoy our time together x Stay safe and well, Everyone x |
Nice big bubble bath x |
Online yoga |
Also when I am working on the laptop – the laptop is off the charge. When the battery of the laptop dies – I have to stop my work. |
I have set up fixed amount of hours I am going to work. I have spent 4.5 hours on the computer doing work related things. I will allow myself only maximum 3 more hours tonight to do what I can and then the laptop is turned off. |
Body balance class online. |
Complete the tray I am decoupaging. |
I am helping my husband dig a trench for a new garden wall! |
Cook a meal for my ‘home’ family. |
I shall be starting to make ‘Luna Lapin’ from a book I was given for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. Creating and making has always been good for my well being and helped me to focus my thoughts and attention away from school. |
What a charming idea to share these well-being ideas, Alison. I have subscribed to BroadwayHD (costs the price of one top price seat on the Great White Way for a whole year’s access) but offers screenings of Broadway shows, plays, opera and ballet. I shall be be watching “She Loves Me” – a show I’ve heard but never seen. A little escape. |
Going to bake some Gingerbread men with my children! ? |
Soap operas! |
Painting a picture for my niece (4) and nephew (2). Try to do one a day which I photograph for them and they can have a pack of paintings at the end of all this. |
I will have an ice cold gin and tonic and raise a glass to all teachers everywhere xxx |
Pilates workout then movie with the boyfriend. |
I will be switching off by reading The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse while having a glass of wine ? |
I am feeling really tired so to switch off from work this evening I am going to be lazy and not beat myself up about it! |
This evening I will read a novel that I have been wanting to read for years. |
Watch live-streamed theatre |
My small thing is sorting out my cosmetic/smellies draw and treat myself to an in-house pamper ❤️ |
I will bake a pie from my vegan cookbook for the first time! |
A dog walking relay with my family- each of us goes out for a brisk run around the block (20 minutes)…passing the dog’s lead between us on our return. The dog loves it- extra long walkies! ? |
Ordering pizza from our local restaurant and streaming a play from the National Theatre (tomorrow). Date night! |
Hotpod yoga |
I’ll be meeting up virtually this evening with a few colleagues. We’re going to check work at the “door” and relax over a glass of wine. |
Reading my book in the peace and quiet. ? |
I will bring my mission to be creative, bring a DT teacher limits my own personal endeavours, I hope to get creative with a range or mediums. |
Have a bubble bath with a book. |
Speak to my sister via WhatsApp video call |
There will be chilled white wine! |
Do some knitting… I hadn’t done any for quite sometime before this time of isolation. |
Working from home is giving me the fabulous opportunity of doing a home gym workout each evening. A great way to switch off and feel like I’m doing something for myself. ? |
Fun dance video Zumba YouTube with my daughters 18 and 22 and laugh so much at how we can’t keep up!! X |
Play guitar ? |
I am creating clay sculptures. |
We just had a whole school quiz night using Microsoft teams |
I’ll be doing a live barrecore exercise class on zoom 🙂 |
An exercise class – the perfect way to wind down (and helps me get a good night sleep!) |
Yoga |
Making flapjacks! |
Nice dinner. Watch some TV. Speak to family on the phone. |
Watch a film on Netflix or play Scrabble with the family? |
Having a ‘house party’ with my besties with a cheeky mid-week g&t!!! |
Build the flat packed furniture that has sat untouched for months! |
A cup of tea and a chapter of a good book. |
Sitting, with my dogs, just being. |
I’m sewing ‘cover up gowns’ for the carers at a local nursing home so they can safely carry out personal care with their residents. An hour on the sewing machine will help me unwind! |
I’m taking part in a virtual pub quiz with school friends via Discord. We were missing out weekly pub quiz, so we’ve come up with out own solution! |
Watching the new Lady and the Tramp with children 🙂 |
Having birthday cake with friends via face time who we can’t go and visit. |
Watch a Killing Eve episode with my family. |
Games night with my family! |
Go for a run |
I will be watering my plants in the garden and breathing in fresh air. |
An online yoga workout. |
Gin & tonic whilst watching House of Games with my husband. |
Watching 2012 Olympic highlights on DVD guilty pleasure |
Play a board game with my family ? |
I won’t watch the news this evening |
I’m going to start running again |
Hoeing my garden in readiness …… |
Will sit in a comfy chair and listen to some of my favourite music. |
Cross-stitch with a glass of red ? |
Play a game with my family |
Do a jigsaw puzzle. |
I will finally finish crocheting a blanket that I started 2 years ago to give to a family in Mexico. |
Have a bubble bath! Watch a film with my 12 year old! |
Doing an online yoga class |
Paint and read |
Binge watch married at first sight with my husband and a hot water bottle |
I will switch off by 6pm and not switch on until the morning! |
I plan to watch the Old Vic’s production of Endgame via Theatre Direct with a glass of wine. |
Agreeing with the family a time when the work day ends. At that agreed time, all family members have to switch off work laptops and email. Gives time for all to help prepare dinner, socialise remotely, watch a movie, read, play a game, etc. |
Work out with davina McCall |
I’m going to walk away from my phone & computer. I’m going to play with my son in the garden & read fairy tales before bed |
At home workout and short yoga flow |
Read a magazine |
Spend some quality time with my boys |
I make time to be with my husband actually watching TV or a movie in the middle of the week! Unheard of during term time. |
I will definitely have some alone time to pamper myself. |
Actually open a book, Sebastian Faulk’s book, whilst listening to French lounge jazz, and perhaps a glass of red. |
I will not read my work emails until tomorrow morning. |
Family quiz on zoom. That will physically stop me working! |
Watch Netflix |
Online yoga |
I will have a large glass of wine in the garden and fuss the dog. |
Do some exercise |
Taking my two labradors for a walk through the park. |
I’m going to cook a brand new recipe for dinner! I love cooking but never normally have time to be creative with my cooking in a normal school week |
Close the door on my working area at home – it will keep until tomorrow |
I’m going to sit around my chimenea with my husband and three children, listening to music, watching the stars and celebrating our wedding anniversary! |
I will be facetiming my best friend who lives 300 miles away. We’ve been friends for 30 years, but nothing ever changes! |
I will be catching up with a book I have been meaning to read for ages. |
I’m going to have a long awaited soak in an Epsom Salts bath and breathe….. |
Go for a bike ride |
Cook, watch TV, phone my family and read |
Heading out into the garden shortly with my husband to attack the brambles and weeds and burn off some energy! |
Apply a face mask and listen to some relaxing music! |
Go for a walk outside |
Walking the dog in the late afternoon sunshine |
Some knitting whilst watching some TV. A hot bath is also on the cards I think. |
�� jigsawing! |
45 minutes in the gym ? |
I’m going to watch Aladdin with my son and a big bowl of popcorn all snuggled up together with the dog on the sofa. Heaven! |
Taking my dogs out for a walk |
Cooking a lasagne from scratch. |
Take the dog for a walk |
Watching the clouds go by and listening to some music |
Walk the dog and have several glasses of wine and/or a large G & T ??? |
Watch my favourite YouTube channel. |
I will take part in an online Clubbercise session. |
I will play a game with my kids |
Bake a cake. The staff at our school are having a virtual bake off. |
Watch a film with family. |
I’m going to get lost in a good book. I rarely make the time to do that when normal term time is upon us so I’m going to make the effort now. I know it’ll be worth it. |
We having a date night with steak and a nice bottle of red!! |
We have been going for a walk as we live on the edge of the Fens. We’ve discovered a barn owl, so like to see if we can spot her hunting. We do most nights ? |
Make a promise to be truly present with my children and get lost in a story with them |
I’m going to cuddle up with my partner and watch a good film. |
Cook a nice meal from scratch ! ? |
I will be getting some family photos together to send to my dad who lives alone |
I will have a dance in the lounge with my children to unwind and laugh |
I love to bake to switch off xx a nice cake tonight xx |
I’ve taken up yoga via Zoom – 6pm – my living room. Mat down, husband banished, candles lit. Leave school thoughts behind for an hour and stretch. Allowed selfishness. |
Book group discussion on Zoom (with a large glass of wine!) |
I will walk the dog and notice the spring around me, trees slowly and beautifully bursting into season. |
I’ll be crocheting whilst watching my favorite animations – Kung Fu Panda |
To switch off I will be putting all electronic devices in a separate room, listen to the radio and bake some scones. |
I’ll be putting my work email on out of office automatic replies and watching a movie with my children. |
Call my mum and dad |
Sewing ? |
To switch off from work I’m to have a long bubble bath with candles and chocolate! |
Go for a run! |
Take my puppy for a long walk. X |
I am currently waiting for an Amazon delivery of a Harry Potter colouring book I have ordered for myself! I’m very excited to sit and relax for an hour or so colouring tonight. |
I will be planting seeds for my garden. I will then make spiced butters to freeze for future use. |
Spray painting plant pots in the garden bright colours |
Read some of my book ? |
Read |
Go out for a late evening walk to coincide with the international space shuttle ⭐️? |
Curl up on the settee and watch a film with a glass of wine in hand. Feels earnt after a hard days work and is a great way to escape and relax. |
I will be going to the virtual pub with my best friend of over 30 years. We will FaceTime each other with a glass of something in hand and natter away just like we would normally do in the real pub. The best bit is that we get to choose the music in the background! |
Light a fire and sit with my husband in the sitting room |
Reading a novel and doing a puzzle |
I am going to have a relaxing bath and watch a movie. I can’t decide on what movie to watch at the moment. |
Meditation |
A long hot bath. |
Catch up on Season 15 of Criminal Minds! May also have a small fermented grape juice? |
I am going to do my nails as the salon is closed! |
By baking new reciepes e.g French patries (pain aud chocolat, cinnamon swirls). Also but playing board games and watching the latest series of Westworld |
I will be playing the piano |
A face mask and hair mask once a week. A trip out with the kids on their scooters every day. Last but by no means least; cooking and baking! |
Make banana bread with my boys |
My laptop is getting turned off shortly , I will make a nice dinner for the family then we are going to settle down to watch Lady and the Tramp ! Loving Disney free at the moment ! |
15 mins – Chakra meditation |
Teaching from home has proved to be challenging. As a teacher, you want to do everything you can. Today, I will tell myself that I’m doing the best that I can and that it isn’t my job alone to save the educational world. |
Reading two chapters of a book agreed as a book club choice between family members to discuss via text/phone call at the end of the week |
I will take my time and enjoy cooking, then eating a family dinner with my daughter. No rushing or grabbing something to eat! |
Having a laugh with my husband |
Take part in a yoga class via zoom. ? |
I’m going to sit at the table with my little family and have a good chat. Lockdown has meant we have so many more of these and our relationships have improved. |
Have a bath and get to bed early! |
I’ve taken my school emails off my phone, and will start a Netflix box set recommended by a colleague! |
I’m using the quarantine period to learn something new so this evening, I’m going to be practising my painting skills! |
I am attending an live online quiz and FaceTiming my usual pub quiz team so we can do it altogether. |
A glass of wine and lovely warm bath! Maybe with candles! |
I am planning to go for a short run as I have yet to go outside |
I am going to spend some time listening to an audio book while I crochet a blanket. |
Thank you for this message. I will be baking cupcakes with my son and daughter tonight and role playing ‘Great British Bake Off’ . |
Play a game of Qwirkle |
I will be making a commitment to myself by actually doing the online aerobics class I’ve booked onto at 6pm. No excuses and also no need to go out!! |
Sit and do a jigsaw whilst watching a marvel film with my partner |
Use my foot spa and some bubbles while replying to emails |
I’m having a bath, with face mask and wine! |
Walking my dog ? |
We are hosting a family game of Bingo via FaceTime! Even the dog – who is a school therapy dog and also out of a job at the moment – is going to take part! |
This evening I will be getting all creative and writing a new screenplay- a comedy so I have something to laugh along with. |
Have a glass of wine snd our my feet up! |
A virtual pub quiz with my family ? |
Watch a film and knit |
Drawing and reading |
I will cook myself a nutritious meal. |
Do the yoga I promised myself I was going to do and will switch off my phone to allow me to do it! |
Take my dog for a long walk then read a magazine |
I’m going to do my jigsaw and plant some potatoes. |
I will be listening to a self-help podcast on Spotify. This helps me focus on my own wellbeing and focus on something else other than work or the news. |
I’ll be taking my dog for a walk across the common. |
Take a bath without any interruptions |
Exercise, Hiit in the front room or family walk painting or colouring |
Watch a movie |
I’m going to do some dress making. |
Ensure DNDEmail schedule is on to make sure I don’t receive any work email after 7pm. Sad that I need to do this, but I do! |
Indulging in a good book ? with a glass of wine! ? |
Go for a run |
Peeling and cooking potatoes that I bought from the local farmer. #farmtofork |
Tonight I will do 20minutes if yoga and read a bit of a non-educational book. |
Declutter my home! |
Bath and a film! |
Playing trivial pursuit with the kids – quiz night! |
Enjoy cooking and dining as a family together. |
We have a family exercise bike challenge. Tonight I will watch one of my favourite TV box sets and cycle. |
Do a free Body Combat class online! |
I’m going to paint my nails ? |
I’m going to bake a date and walnut loaf. |
Board game with my family |
Write some family birthday cards |
I’m going to be very boring and crochet a blanket I started in August 2018 |
gardening |
Have a zoom pub quiz with some mates. I’ve been working on my picture round for longer than I’d like to admit! |
Take 5mins just to listen to something relaxing and calming. |
Read my new book x |
A bath and a good book! |
Watch a movie ? |
This evening we will be eating chocolate, drinking wine and watching Line of Duty – again! Chill out time 🙂 |
I’m reading Normal People by Sally Rooney. Seems apt. |
Eat dinner with my family and discuss our day with each other. |
Playing a board game |
Qi Gong – a short practice following youtube to ground and relax. |
Watching a film together as a family |
Sing and play my piano |
Go for a run to get fresh air Talk to my husband with a glass of wine with phone switched off! |
Watch “The Orville”. |
I am going to watch a nice movie and eat some home made Fajitas |
Cuddle my family tight |
Play some Les Miserables on the keyboard. |
Have a bath, with a book. My phone will be put in another room!!! |
Playing poker |
Go for a run ? |
Just going for a walk by the sea near my home
Listening to a podcast/ Calm story. |
– meditation
– cooking – watching Netflix
I will be making our evening meal with my daughter (who is learning to cook!). Tonight is meat and potato pie with homemade pastry. While it’s cooking we’ll take our dog for a walk. |
Do an exercise class on youtube |
I switch off by calling family and friends to make sure they are ok. This gives me a focus to think about things that really matter. |
I did two Joe Wicks workouts and I feel fab! |
Play thumb wars with my daughter. |
Helping my daughter make her first skirt. Using a beautiful red Chinese fabric. |
I’ll be playing pool with my kids |
Cross stitch!! |
Cook a new recipe, I cooked mushroom strogonoff |
I’ve been doing the Joe Wicks workouts! |
I will be taking part in a online quiz presented by a couple of teachers we had 98 last week lol |
Thanks, I am going to take part in an online dance class this evening… |
Yoga 🙂 and watching a film |
I make 6pm a cut off for watching any news, yes I’m of course interested in what’s going on but I need to rest my mind from the stresses of it. I’ll tend to watch something relaxing that takes little concentration. |
I am watching a film a day
Also, we do a WhatsApp call daily to someone who is self isolating
Read a bedtime story to my daughter. |
I’m going to do 20 minutes of yoga and have a hot bath |