What remote learning resources do teachers recommend? TeachTogether responses

Written By: Author(s): Cat Scutt
6 min read
Teachers shared examples of remote learning resources they like via our text service, TeachTogether

TeachTogether is a free service from the Chartered College of Teaching and The Behavioural Insights Team, which sends one text a week to support teachers’ wellbeing. You can find out more and sign up here. In one week’s message, we asked teachers to tell us a resource they’ve found helpful to support remote learning – here’s what you told us! You can also check out our selected list of free home learning resources.

Twitter feeds from other teachers. Inspiring, funny, helpful, supporting #edutwitter
I see maths online lessons.
Your love – sometimes tough one – and serenity. All else will follow.
Hamilton trust and tes resources- don’t make me choose between them ?
Loom video 🙂 also you can record your voice online and download a clip to easily share. Nice way to share human side of teaching if staff are nervous about being live
Draw along with Rob Biddulph is brilliant
https://radiolingua.com/learnathome/ High Five Primary Languages
‘Food a fact of life’ is brilliant for all ages. Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes(and answers) and videos.
Microsoft teams to record lessons
Exceptional primary maths cpd being free shared: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0CFIjIKNVXmsyXXc5pzbuA
Quizlet – great for fun online quizzes but also revision and lots more.
Achieve in Science
Parallel Histories…particularly for Y9, Y11 and Y12.. https://www.parallelhistories.org.uk/
I would recommend Memrise – a fantastic free resource for recall, adaptable for almost any GCSE specification.
Wakelet. This resource is great, featuring many accessibility tools such as immersive readers, background choices and font variations. You can make short instructional videos and then create collections to support learners research – even better when they make their own collections pulling in tweets, you tube videos…
Picture books! They can cover all sorts of tricky scenarios and situations without talking about real children’s situations or singling anyone out and making them feel uncomfortable. The children can take what the need from them and everyone loves a story. There are so many fabulous books out there to help children understand and deal with the feeling they might be having right now. We will have to think of a social distanced version of story time but stories will be a huge part of our restorative curriculum. Thanks for all your positivity CCT!!
Animoto videos! You can create your own videos and you can add in text blocks similar to a Powerpoint with voiceovers. What I really like about it is that you can intersperse text with video clips, which is useful if you want to give practical demos (I teach Music, so it’s great to sometimes show a PowerPoint and sometimes show me at my piano). It’s also free, and completely browser-based.
DrFrost maths
Facebook groups – so full of helpful advice and reassurance when you just need to check you’re not going mad!
Wellbeing daily tasks for students
I would recommend Screencast o matic.  It allows me to record messages for my students, a hello for the start of the week, instructions about work, feedback on their work.  It is free and easy to use.
The natural history live lessons
Adobe Spark.
Yoga with Adrienne
Calm app
Free webinars and training sessions via Eventbrite.
Headspace as it’s free for teachers
Resourceaholic! (Maths)
Twitter. It’s refreshing, educational, funny and an absolute lifesaver at this time!
I would recommend litfilmfest It’s great for getting kids involved and engaged, 🙂
I love using google multiple choice quizzes for retrieval practice, and the response charts it generates then become a focus in the online lesson when we discuss why people may have a particular misconception about the novel or where common errors could occur. I am definitely going to use these more often when I return to the classroom!
Oak national academy prelesson quizzes?
Doddle is really good for language lessons. Loads of topics covered and lots of different types of resources for pupils to practise on. There are quizzes with instant feedback as well.
My recommendation is a podcast called Naylor’s Natter.  A new episode is released every Friday and it is great to listen to interviews and hear ideas from professionals from the world of Education, particularly in this busy time of home-schooling our own children and planning and teaching recorded lessons.
CommonLit – recommenced to me by my mom who is an English teacher in the States – it is basically like a better version of edpuzzle – but with texts. Makes assessment and grading and lesson planning really easy !
Litdrive for English teachers Twitter in general for sharing of resources
Kahoot! Quiz app is excellent! Kids are engaged and love the challenge. You can create your own quiz with multiple choice on any topic for the children to play. There’s a leaderboard too.
The woodland trust nature detectives activities – excellent to share with children to help them enjoy the natural world around them, which is something at least that we all have access to
The CfSA directory
Loom- a website where you can tape a voice over any work – for instruction of a task, over a PowerPoint etc or for feedback on work set. Quick and easy to use.
Snag it from Techsmith. For making screencasts.
Just come off a Teams call using Socrative with my Y4s. Brilliant way to engage with them. Just like a quiz in class.
Teams on Microsoft.
Oak National Academy resources are amazing. Here is the link: https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom
https://homehuddle.org a collection of resources/ideas and links to activities and help for parents!
NATRE resources are excellent.??
The book – Factfulness
Hosting live lessons, or prerecording ‘lessons’ to send to students so that they feel like they still have that connection with their teacher.
Enjoyed doing an audio recording for the kids on Voice Recorder app on I-phone. I felt it was more personal than endless powerpoints and information sheets. It was really easy to upload too…
Plazoom comprehension resources.
PLAN science resources for primary teachers
Loom has been a great alternative to live lessons via zoom/teams etc. My students have appreciated the structure and having my voice talking them through the lesson.
NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory children’s websites
Dyson experiments to eject a bit of fun.
Classroomscreen.com – a great starter screen when getting kids into remote lessons.
Wellbeing in the Primary Classroom by Adrian Bethune
Feelings wheel
pear deck it makes presentations interactive.
Ambition Institute summer series
Mr Bruff YouTube videos
Class DoJo

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