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CPD and research engagement

Written By: Wrenn School
1 min read
Learn about Wrenn School's embedded CPD culture.

Wrenn School works with teachers at all stages in their career. One of their central beliefs is that teachers should always have the opportunity for professional development, enabling them to become the best teacher they can be.

When confronted with challenges in the classroom, their approach is to research the issue for the best available evidence then see what works in their context – staff are encouraged to do their own action research projects and to discuss their findings and challenges with colleagues. The staff room is an active place for discussion, and a themed running CPD programme gives teachers the opportunity to present the results of their research. Through this proactive research-informed approach, Wrenn School aims to have a long-lasting, sustained impact on students.

To hear more about Wrenn School’s CPD culture, watch the video below.

As you watch this clip, whether on your own or with colleagues, you may like to take some time to consider the work being presented, how they’ve achieved this, what they might have done differently and how the ideas might translate to your own practice or wider context.

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