Case Study Leveraging homework for effective learning: Exploring the benefits of spaced and interleaved practice
Case Study The impacts of teaching bottom-up reading strategies on GCSE Spanish reading examination results
Case Study Taking a nuanced view of retrieval practice research: Retrieval-induced forgetting as a starting point
Case Study Applying the science of learning in secondary school classrooms: A case study of a ‘psychology for learning’ course for Year 9 students
Case Study Welcome Matviy: Working in staff–student partnerships to develop simulation-based learning to support teachers’ understanding of EAL
Case Study Enhancing teacher quality through research-engaged professional learning and development: A scalable approach
Case Study Cognitive science in primary school: One school’s journey in applying research to practice
Case Study Englicious in the primary classroom: Teachers’ experiences of using a play-based intervention to support Year 2 children’s understanding of grammar