Experiential learning: Selected reading

Written By: Author(s): Chartered College of Teaching
3 min read
This article has been published as part of the Rethinking Curriculum project, kindly funded by The Helen Hamlyn Trust.






This is a collection of research articles, case studies, webinars and other relevant resources to further develop your understanding of experiential learning. We have ensured that these are open access or available to members of The Chartered College of Teaching. 

The resources collated here will not provide a recipe for what you should do. Some of the articles will also present opposing viewpoints, and ones which may contradict your own viewpoint or experience. They will provoke thought, debate and discussion. We encourage you to read and appraise the literature to make informed decisions based on your local context, professional experience and other available research evidence. 

Resources from the Chartered College of Teaching 

N.B. Please note that non-members can only access three articles per month. Join today to get full access to all resources provided on our platform.

  • This case study outlines one Trust’s journey developing an innovative, immersive and purposeful curriculum.
  • This original research outlines the outcomes of an exploratory survey carried out with primary teachers and school leaders, focusing on what makes the ‘ideal curriculum’. 
  • This article explores the benefits of embedding drama strategies and conventions across the curriculum. The article also includes a range of practical take-aways to begin implementing this approach in the classroom.
  • This article explores the benefits of visual art experiences, with practical strategies to implement this in the classroom.
  • This case study explores how immersive storytelling can be used to develop students’ empathy, compassion and cultural capital. Whilst the case study explores secondary school contexts, the implications may also be useful for primary practitioners. 


Other resources freely available from other providers:

  • The Association for Experiential Education (AEE) provides a wealth of resources to develop understanding and support implementation, including webinars, user-friendly resources and a very useful infographic.
  • This is a pdf version of David Kolbs’ (1984) seminal work – ‘Experience as the Source Of Learning And Development’.
  • This is an online version of Wurdinger & Carlson’s (2010) book – ‘Teaching for Experiential Learning: Five Approaches that Work’.
  • This is an online version of Boud, Cohen and Walker’s (1993) book – ‘Using Experience for Learning’.
  • The Center for Teaching and Learning has put together this useful resource, providing an accessible overview of experiential learning.
  • This blog provides an accessible overview of experiential learning, focusing on the core principles that underpin this pedagogical approach.
  • This blog provides an overview of experiential learning, including a five step approach to support implementation. 
  • This webpage provides another accessible overview of experiential learning. 
  • This article outlines how experiential learning has evolved and been applied over time. It provides historical background and explores how it has been applied in the classroom, higher education settings and in the workplace.
  • This research article explores the impact of experiential learning on professional identity. 
  • This research article explores the impact of experiential learning on students’ motivation and engagement. 
  • This research article explores the impact of introducing ‘active learning’ in five primary settings on teachers and students. 
  • This research article explores the benefits and challenges of training Learning Assistants to be facilitators of experiential learning activities.
  • This research article explores the concept of experiential learning in further depth alongside Dewey’s theory of reflective thought and action. 


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