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Webinar: In conversation with Gwyneth Gibson

Alison Peacock interviews Gwyneth Gibson on her life experiences and on the Sewell Report

In this video, Professor Dame Alison Peacock (Chief Executive, Chartered College of Teaching) interviews Gwyneth Gibson (Headteacher, Lea Manor High School) on her experiences growing up, as a student, her career path, and her more recent work as Headteacher at Lea Manor High School. Gwyneth also shared her response to the Sewell report published by the government’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.

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About Gwyneth Gibson

Gwyneth joined Lea Manor High School in January 2018, fully aware of the challenges facing her. The school was judged by Ofsted as RI back in 2017, with the national press subsequently naming it as one of the worst schools in the country. Gwyneth believes being a Headteacher is a privilege and it is an honour to work at Lea Manor High School with a staffing body committed to bringing about positive change and raising pupil outcomes.

Since starting her education career in 1998, Gwyneth has been a teacher, education consultant, senior leader and Her Majesty’s Inspector. She has an unstinting passion to serve our most challenged communities and is proud of a career that has done just that. 

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