NEW! EEF Implementation Guidance Report

Nikki is excited to be able to share the NEW EEF Implementation Guidance Report, recommendations and resources within this session.

She will discuss how to implement change in the most effective way so that it has the best possible chance of succeeding.  The latest research and recommendations will be shared and reflected upon.

This session is suitable for school leaders or aspiring school leaders. This session will also be useful for anyone who has completed an NPQ to upskill themselves on the new guidance and research.

Nikki Arkinstall is the Director of Staffordshire Research School and she is also a Primary School leader in Birmingham. The Research School has one central aim: to support schools to break the link between family income and education attainment through better use of evidence.  Nikki, and the Research School team, provide support to schools, colleges, and early years settings to access, understand, and apply evidence, to improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Helpful padlet with resources from the presentation

Relevant Links from the Chartered College of Teaching.