A new reality: Using artificial intelligence to enhance assessment

8 min read
GEORGE DAVIES-CRAINE, HEAD OF GEOGRAPHY AND EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CHAMPION, LANCASTER GIRLS’ GRAMMAR SCHOOL, UK JAMES ANNING, ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER, DR CHALLONER’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL, UK MATT FLORY, ASSOCIATE ASSISTANT HEAD, LANCASTER GIRLS’ GRAMMAR SCHOOL, UK A new reality Artificial intelligence (AI) is creating a new reality. With the increased use of programmes such as Duolingo, Quizlet (both of which use AI), ChatGPT, Curipod and Education Copilot in education, and these being several of a plethora of AI tools, there is not only an increased ease of access to knowledge (Perrotta and Selwyn, 2020), but also an increase in presenting this knowledge as perceived understanding by students. Therefore, to manage the increased access to knowledge and ‘presented perceived understanding’, there are, in essence, two options. The first is to not allow students to use AI and the second is to allow them to use it. Yet these options are based around the ethics of the use of AI â€

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