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Joining the dots: Encouraging transfer of learning for student teachers

Written by: Georgina Gretton
8 min read
Georgina Gretton, School of Education, Liverpool John Moores University, UK At Liverpool John Moores University, we work alongside 400 primary student teachers each year. This case study focuses upon the creation and implementation of the ‘Reflection, Observation and Planning’ (ROP) initiative that is embedded as explicit sessions within our Professional Studies modules across both undergraduate and postgraduate routes.  The goal Our teacher training programmes consist of two linked components: taught sessions on campus and placement experiences in school. The teachers operating across these components as tutors and mentors have become what the Core Content Framework (CCF) (DfE, 2021) term ‘expert colleagues’. They have accrued what Dewey (1933) would deem ‘habits of mind’, which consists of thought patterns, frames of reference, expertise and grasp of pupil learning. This is what we hope to develop with our new teachers so that they too can develop a sense of agency, p

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