In March 2019, the British Academy hosted a launch event for Language Analysis in Schools: Education and Research (LASER), at which a number of speakers presented their reflections on the importance of skills in language analysis for a range of subject areas currently taught in schools. Below are links to papers, co-published with Languages, Society and Policy (LSP), from some of the presenters, which summarise the views expressed at the launch. A striking feature of these contributions is the range of disciplines they cover, from STEM subjects such as mathematics and statistics to core humanities subjects like English and foreign language learning.
What does it mean to introduce language analysis in education? What are the LASER goals?
Why it is important for schools to teach about grammar and how Englicious can support teachers who are new to grammar.
Intrinsic interest and explicit instruction: Reforming MFL pedagogy in English schools
by Ian Bauckham
How language analysis resonates with the recommendations of the review (which he chaired) into the pedagogy of foreign-language teaching.
How language analysis can strengthen the strong language skills on which quantitative skills build.
How language analysis fits into recent moves within education to teach statistical understanding.
Why linguistics could, and should, have a place in A-level foreign language studies.
Making language learning make sense at the National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy
by Rachel Hawkes, Emma Marsden, Nick Avery, Rowena Kasprowicz and Robert Woore
How NCELP will promote language analysis in phonics, vocabulary and grammar.