How Do We Know “What Works”?: Methodological issues in evaluating school-based interventions

Challenges in establishing ‘what works’ to improve outcomes for struggling students in education have persisted despite decades of interest. As part of this, there is currently no evidence for the efficacy or effectiveness of the majority of educational interventions taking place in schools (Pegram et al., 2022). In this presentation, Astrid will discuss some of […]
Co-creating research with dyspraxic children

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD, or dyspraxia) is a congenital motor skills disorder impacting around 5-6% of school-age children, often leading to […]
An Introduction to Visual Discomfort

This talk is part of a webinar series from the Centre for Educational Neuroscience at UCL, Birkbeck University and the UCL IoE. You can register here to receive weekly updates about the seminar series. In this talk ‘Visual Discomfort’ refers to the aversive responses reported by susceptible individuals when viewing specific visual stimuli such as […]
Absence Report Webinar 2024

Join online – an evidence based plan for improving school attendance Speakers include: Caroline Bond, Overview, policy recommendations and evidence Pamela Qualter, Overview, policy recommendations and evidence Anna Wallace, Safe Taskforce case study Matthew Fletcher, Wirral case study Judith Temlett, Wirral case study Sean Harris, Endword and reflections
Assessment in a changing world: Lessons learned and the path ahead

This event launches a new book by Isabel and Stuart entitled Educational Assessment in a Changing World: Lessons Learned and the Path Ahead. Isabel and Stuart will review a wide range of developments in society, education, and assessment, including significant initiatives and reports, events, new priorities and changes in theoretical views. They will conclude by […]
Schools, policy and inequality

Schools, policy and inequality: Researching why teachers do what they do and what it means for children Primary schools and early years settings shape children’s lives immensely, but there are huge differences in how teachers teach and organise their time. Policy is a major influence on practices, but often changes. At the same time, there […]
Digital citizenship, digital justice and the promise and perils of technological transformation

Bob will discuss the Teaching for Digital Citizenship: Digital Ethics in the Classroom and Beyond (TfDC) is large-scale research project housed within the ESRC Education Research Programme (2021-2026) directed by Professor Gemma Moss. The project seeks to engage philosophers of digital ethics, software development corporations serving the education sector, schools and policy-makers in the four […]
Personalising assessment

Over the educational sector’s 100-year-plus history, standardisation has been a central assumption in test theory and practice. The justification turns on levelling the playing field by presenting all examinees with equivalent experiences. In this seminar, Randy will present a case for the personalisation of assessments in practice, and the challenges that will need to be […]
Compassionate Leadership

About the Compassionate Leadership event We are excited to invite you to this event, one of the first of its kind, exploring the power and potential of compassionate leadership in education. If you are a school leader or MAT CEOs, interested in exploring how we can create more humane, compassionate and kind education systems, then […]
COBIS Programme for Middle Leaders (CMPL)

More than 140 Middle Leaders took part in the COBIS Programme for Middle Leaders in 2023/24, with cohorts running in Bucharest, Cayman Islands, Lagos, Lisbon, Marbella, Mumbai, Munich, Muscat, Riyadh, Rome, and The Hague. In 2024/25, we expect open cohorts to run in Greece, India, Italy, Portugal, Nigeria, Oman, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, and […]
Battling AI bias in the classroom

Artificial intelligence is being heralded by many for its transformative potential in education, offering personalised learning experiences and more efficient school administration. But as AI use becomes more widespread, so do concerns about bias. Bias in AI algorithms can perpetuate inequalities, affecting student outcomes and reinforcing societal prejudices. Addressing this AI bias requires a nuanced […]
Exploring Diversity in Education

Diversity within classrooms and societies: Perspectives on Teacher, Moral, and Democracy Education The Department of Education at the University of Oxford is delighted to announce that we will be hosting the EARLI Special Interest Group 11 ‘Teaching and Teacher Education’ and Group 13 ‘Moral and Democratic Education’ conference, on the 12th to the 14th of August 2024 in the […]
The Neural Basis of Mathematical Skills: Exploring Domain-Specific and Domain-General Cognitive Abilities

The development of mathematical skills is intrinsically connected to different domain-specific and domain-general cognitive abilities. Domain-specific abilities encompass mental processes that are unique to a particular domain. In the case of mathematics, the symbolic understanding of numerical quantities and numerical order—the number of elements within a set and the sequence of numbers respectively—form a crucial […]
Launch of PISA Vol IV: How financially smart are students?

This volume presents the financial literacy results of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 and examines 15-year-old students’ understanding of money matters in 20 countries and economies. It explores the links between their financial literacy and their competencies in mathematics and reading, and differences across socio-demographic groups. Mathias Cormann, Secretary-General, OECD Andreas […]
Education after the election: priorities for change

IOE and the ESRC Education Research Programme (ERP) are hosting a special edition online panel discussion on Education after the election: priorities for change. This is part of the What Matters in Education? series of debates. Funding crisis in higher education, schools and FE; widening inequalities; a cost of living crisis for families; rising pupil absence and increasing pressure to provide more support […]
Pioneer The Way In Climate Education!

The Foundation for Education Development, Dame Rachel De Souza, The Children’s Commissioner, and Dame Alison Peacock, The Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, invite you to the online launch of The Climate & Sustainability Toolkit. Join us to hear from education experts and leaders and to explore together the wealth of resources, curriculum mapping tools, case […]
Behaviour and Inclusion: For all schools

Life Lessons have partnered with The Difference to present a free webinar for educators on behavioural challenges in schools. The session will include: Hear from young people directly about their experiences with behaviour policies Behaviour challenges are on the rise. How do we create a school culture which improves behaviour for all pupils including the […]
Future Dreaming: Career Guidance in the Age of Digital Technologies

Digital technologies are an integral part of our everyday lives with important implications for career guidance. With use of generative AI now widespread, online tools provide new opportunities to personalise and extend the reach of career guidance activities, but also raise concerns, especially for students at-risk of being left behind. How do technologies help or […]
A Life for Education: Sir Tim Brighouse

Join us as we celebrate the life and contribution of Sir Tim Brighouse. A Life For Education will reflect on Tim’s transformational leadership of education over four decades, with contributions from those who knew, worked with, or were inspired by one of our greatest educationists. All are welcome to attend this free event.
Looking ahead to summer 2024’s exams and assessments

This is a webinar for school, college and exam centre leaders. Join Ofqual’s Chief Regulator Sir Ian Bauckham on 30 April, 12:15 – 13:00 to look ahead to this summer’s exams and assessments for GCSE, AS, A level and vocational and technical qualifications. He will talk about this summer’s grading approach, and what it will mean for […]