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Developing a whole-school approach to gender equity, and why it matters

Gender stereotypes harm everyone. They place us into binary boxes, impacting the way we develop, learn and view ourselves. Before a child is born, their biological sex has determined how society will define them. From the gender reveal parties and gender assigned toys and clothes, society is already making assumptions about a child’s characteristics. These […]

Angela Browne – Practical solutions for addressing improvements to student belonging in schools

Join Angie Browne, seasoned equity strategist and former headteacher, for an interactive workshop designed for teaching practitioners, pastoral staff, and school leaders. This session will focus on enhancing DEI IQ, providing insights into theories, concepts, and vocabulary essential for fostering inclusive conversations about identity. Learn practical strategies to create a school environment where every student […]

Supporting children’s language and literacy

Supporting children’s language and literacy learning environment in disadvantaged households in the United States: Challenges and opportunities Children’s early learning experiences set the stage for later language trajectories and school success. In this talk, Dr. Luo will present findings on children’s language and literacy experiences in families from U.S. low-income, language-minority backgrounds. Specifically, the talk […]

Three ways to strengthen school effectiveness with the Chartered College of Teaching

Join us for this webinar where we’ll be shining a spotlight on how schools can utilise Chartered College of Teaching membership to strengthen school effectiveness.  In this 45 minute session we’ll be joined by school leaders from primary and secondary settings, as well as colleagues from the Chartered College of Teaching who will be sharing […]

Diversity + Quality = Equity

Join our Q&A webinar and explore the intersection of diversity and quality in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) through OECD’s latest research. Discover correlations between dimensions of diversity and ECEC quality, delve into what aspects of quality matter most for diverse backgrounds, and identify policy priorities for enhanced provision. The discussion will be guided […]

General Election 2024: How will the next government close the disadvantage attainment gap?

NFER has identified four key priorities, based on our rigorous research and insights, that we believe should be addressed in each of the political parties’ manifestos in the lead up to the General Election; teacher workforce, skills needed for tomorrow’s workforce, education funding and supporting children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. As part of […]

Evidence-based approaches to improving outcomes for disadvantaged learners with Jean Gross

Drawing on her vast experience of working with disadvantaged communities, Jean describes the path that many children take, from early language delays to persistent literacy and numeracy difficulties, which lead to progressive disengagement from learning and underachievement. In this talk, Jean will set out how early intervention and low-cost, evidence-based, practical strategies can be used […]

Brain Basis of Language Development

Abstract: There are comprehensive neuro-cognitive models of language processing in the adult brain, but we do not understand how language develops and what determines variability in skill. Our work attempts to determine the nature of specialization for phonology, semantics and syntax in the temporal and frontal cortices in 5- to 9-year-old children. We are testing Interactive […]

Teacher Webinar: Love’s Labour’s Lost

Explore how to teach Shakespeare’s vibrant comedy with a taste of our rehearsal room approaches. This active online webinar will share insights from our upcoming production along with teaching methods for introducing this play in primary, Key Stage 3 English, Key Stage 3 Drama, and A-level English literature classrooms. DETAILS Our webinars feature RSC rehearsal room […]

The art of balancing curricular choice in upper secondary education

Upper secondary education helps refine the interests and expertise of students, preparing them for future study or careers. Yet in a system that fails to offer sufficient student choice in subject matter, learners may disengage, not reach their potential, or even drop out of school. In our latest webinar focusing on upper secondary education, we’ll […]

The impact of Impact on evidence-informed education: celebrating 20 issues

Following the publication of the 20th issue of Impact, join us as we celebrate and reflect on the impact that Impact has had on evidence-informed education to date. Evidence-informed education has been widely recognised for its potential to improve teaching and learning yet research-practice gaps continue to persist, not least because top-down models of evidence-informed practice […]

Using research well to drive improvement in schools

Calls for research-informed improvement are everywhere in education, but what does it mean to use research well? What does it look like in practice, and how can it be supported in schools? This session from researchers and educators involved in the Monash Q Project in Australia will explore how to model, support and involve others in […]

Lights, Camera, Fluency: How pop music, podcasts, and Tik Tok are impacting English language learning today

Step into the future of English language education. Beyond timetabled lesson hours, today’s students are immersing themselves in English from an increasingly early age through diverse and exciting new avenues, reshaping the landscape of language acquisition. But with many countries and families investing considerable amounts to ensure students leave school with sufficient language skills, what […]

International Women’s Day: Women Inspiring Inclusion

Join us as we bring together women who are leaders in the field of education to hear their stories of inclusion, leadership, and equity. Join us for an inspiring evening of storytelling, celebration, and revelation. #IWD2024  Contributors include: Professor Dame Alison Peacock DBE DL DLitt, Chief Executive Officer, Chartered College of Teaching Vivienne Porritt OBE […]

How can teachers become learning scientists, and why would this improve education? Teacher Development in Mind, Brain, and Education

Abstract: Many ask why the fields of Educational Neuroscience and Mind, Brain, and Education have not advanced more rapidly into professional development circles. Since the inception of Mind, Brain, and Education science in 2003 and the Society founding in 2007, thousands of teachers have participated in conferences like IMBES, Learning & the Brain, EARLI’s SIG 22 […]

Place-value structure of the Arabic number notation is a key to why math is difficult for a subgroup of people with dyscalculia

Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a math-specific learning difficulty that is believed to be a multi-cause condition. Former measurements found that typically developing adults and children process place-value number notations (such as the Arabic numbers) harder than sign-value notations (such as the Roman numbers) in simple mathematical tasks. Computational considerations suggest that place-value notation processing requires […]

Making learning resilient in a changing climate

Climate change is here. Besides continuing to work to reverse emissions growth, we must adapt to its impacts, including on education. This means that not only must learners acquire new skills, but the very structure of education spaces must be reimagined to ensure uninterrupted learning in the face of extreme weather, flooding, and wildfires. Action […]