ACE – Key concepts for thinking critically about educational claims

Written By: Author(s): CCT Admin
1 min read

What and how should we teach young people? There are lots of claims about what is and isn’t effective, many of which you will have come across. For example, there are claims that extending the school day improves pupils’ learning, increases attendance, and adds to teacher stress. How can you know which of these claims are trustworthy? And how should you decide when to act on claims like these?

A group of researchers from a variety of disciplines have come together to create a tool with key concepts that can help stakeholders in their fields to assess the basis of claims and support them in deciding whether to apply an intervention in their context. These concepts were originally developed for health (Oxman et al., 2018) and have since been adapted for an educational context by a group of educationalists under the banner of CEBE (Coalition for Evidence-Based Education), which includes the Chartered College of Teaching.On this page, you will find a link to the ACE concepts themselves as well as an Impact article that discusses their application to cognitive science claims.

How to assess claims about cognition and learning: The ACE Concepts

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