Developing teaching through instructional coaching

In this webinar jointly hosted by the Chartered College and Steplab, Cat Scutt and Josh Goodrich will be taking a closer look at instructional coaching and how school leaders can harness it as a powerful tool for teacher – and school – development. They will consider some common challenges around implementation of instructional coaching and […]

Instructional coaching and ecological teacher agency

Nika Maglaperidze, Teaching and Learning Lead, The Ecosystem of Bulgarian Progressive Schools, Bulgaria When I joined the Foundation for Bulgarian Progressive Schools, which consists of four privately run schools across Bulgaria, professional development was a priority, albeit there were only nascent ideas as to how our teachers would grow professionally; what’s more, the whole venture […]

Supporting early career teachers through an evidence-based coaching programme

Beng Huat See, Durham University Evidence Centre for Education, UK Leslie Blanchard, Leadership Development Institute, Louisiana State University, USA Kulwinder Maude, Durham University Evidence Centre for Education, UK David Kryštof, Institute of Lifelong Learning, Mendel University, Czech Republic Christine Callender, University College London, IOE, UK Samantha Wilkes, Leeds Trinity University, UK Introduction One of the […]

Bridging the gap from current to effective professional development: A journey towards instructional coaching

Imogen Fletcher-Blackburn, Assistant Principal for teaching and learning at Trinity Academy, London There is strong evidence to suggest that instructional coaching can improve teacher instruction, the quality of teacher–child interactions, pupil behaviour, motivation and attainment (Kraft et al., 2018; Basma and Savage, 2018; Allen et al., 2011, 2015). I was first introduced to instructional coaching […]

Win–win: The impact of coaching on teachers and students in a Key Stage 5 study

|Figure 1 shows self-efficacy data on a bar chart across the different groups and for (1) Mean belief in personal ability

Kate Jepson-Taylor, Business and Economics Teacher, UK Sarah Parkin, Head of Scholarship, City of London Freemen’s School, UK Coaching is viewed as a powerful developmental tool, which enables individuals to make positive life and learning changes (Devine et al., 2013). As part of the Enquiring Teachers programme, a CPD programme that helps to develop a […]

Staff CPD as key to effective distance learning

Context Vision Trust is a trust in the heart of Greater Manchester serving 1,118 pupils and their families. The demographic intake and context of each school is very different across the Trust. Twenty-eight per cent of children receive free school meals and 25 per cent have English as an additional language (EAL). The trust’s core […]

Collaboration as key to effective staff development during distance learning

Context Chace Community School is a Community Secondary School in Enfield, north London. It has approximately 1250 students on roll including 225 doing post-16 studies. Thirty-five per cent of our students are in receipt of pupil premium funding, with 279 eligible for free school meals, 18.5 per cent are students with SEND. About 450 of […]

How can a learning community be designed, in which teachers can learn and develop in the same ways that we believe children can learn and develop?

Chartered College of Teaching ¬∑ How can a learning community be designed…   My background is in teacher learning and I have always been fascinated by the factors that influence teacher engagement in professional learning activities in schools. I have spent years studying teacher learning and comparing the learning that takes place in schools with […]

Coaching, mentoring and professional collaboration, Rachel Lofthouse

Watch this 2 minute video about coaching, mentoring and professional collaboration. Rachel Lofthouse is the Professor of Teacher Education at Leeds Beckett University, UK. In this video, Rachel speaks about coaching and mentoring over the last few months. Take some time to reflect on their perspective.   Share your experiences with educators globally by joining […]

Implementing instructional coaching: A guide for school leaders

Steve Farndon, Ambition Institute, UK Instructional coaching is not only theoretically promising as the only form of CPD that reliably affects student achievement (Kraft et al., 2018), but its impact is also visible in schools. Through our work at Ambition Institute, we’ve seen maths teachers build success with their most challenging groups by focusing on […]

Leadership coaching for systemic impact

|Figure 1 shows The nested and dynamic systemic levels of organisational life (adapted from Leary-Joyce and Lines

Ben Gibbs, Integrity Coaching; Restart-Ed, UK Leadership is not an individual act Leadership coaching is now firmly established as an effective way to support an individual’s professional and personal development and to help leaders reflect on the complexities of their role. Through a carefully managed process of dialogue, the coachee is helped to explore how […]

Creating the engine room for professional learning: Explaining a research-based model

Teachers as learners Teachers are also learners. They learn through their engagement with a knowledge base, through their immersion in practice contexts and through their relationships with others. Teachers’ learning determines how their practice develops over time and what impact their work has on students, colleagues and the settings in which they work. Working with […]

Perspectives on coaching: What schools need to clarify

|Figure 1 shows the Ofsted inspection comparison between 2016 and 2019 at East Park Primary School. In 2016 all the measures shown are Inadequate but in 2019 all measures shown are Outstanding.|Figure 2 shows The coaching spectrum which has directive coaching including instruction and giving advice on one side and non-directive coaching including listening and reflecting on the other.|Figure 3 shows an Overview of different coaching models. In pure coaching the coachee speaks for 80% of the time. In performance coaching the coach and coachee speak for equal amounts of time. In instructional coaching the coachee speaks for 40% of the time and the coach steers the conversation.

Hayley Guest, Headteacher, East Park Primary, Wolverhampton, UK Jan Rudge, Director, Leadership Edge Coaching in Schools, UK Even the most seasoned of leaders are questioning themselves about the new demands placed on them. One of the challenges that lies ahead is how best to provide for your staff’s needs; with NQTs and RQTs nationally having […]

Challenge the C in CPD: Should it be C3PD?

DAVID BOWMAN, TEACHER OF MATHEMATICS, GLOW MATHS HUB, UK In 2020, 82 per cent of UK households (Ofcom, 2020) had a mobile phone that requires a SIM card to function. How many of those users have ever thought about what SIM stands for? Similarly, CPD is widely used in the education world but how many […]

What support and development will mentors need to deliver the Early Career Framework optimally?

Katie Jump, Author and Lecturer, Fareham & Gosport SCITT, UK The comprehensive review of initial teacher training and the introduction of the early career framework (DfE, 2020a) has the potential to have a significant positive impact on the confidence and capabilities of newly qualified teachers. A robust framework of expectations alongside clear guidance regarding what […]

Innovation-induced injection: A reflection on the reconceptualisation of the mentor’s role in an ever-changing educational landscape

Helen Joan Tyler, Director, Forest Independent Primary Collegiate (FIPC) (SCITT), UK With the shift from school-based to school-led ITT, the role of the school mentor has been reconceptualised into that of teacher educator. Mentoring theory and practice have increasingly been applied in a number of fields and professional contexts. Mentoring has been an essential element […]

Supporting teachers in their early careers

Nick Gibb, Minister of State for School Standards, UK The last year has thrown up so many new and unexpected challenges to us all. It has been a difficult time for the whole country, not least for schools and for young people. With very little notice or time to plan, heads and teachers, alongside parents […]

The importance of a learning culture for teacher motivation

There is an ever-increasing focus on teacher learning. Teacher learning aims to improve teacher practice, which has an impact on student outcomes. It is therefore clear that if we want our students to be as successful as possible, we need our teachers, through their own learning, to be as successful as possible too. For this, […]