Preparing for Your First Teaching Job – Job Hunting and Applying (Webinar 1 of 2)

Are you searching and applying for your first teaching job? Join us for a webinar designed to help trainee teachers secure the right role for them! Hosted by the Department for Education’s Teaching Vacancies service and the Chartered College of Teaching (CCT), this session will help you to kickstart your job search. Teaching Vacancies is […]
Understanding & Teaching EAL Pupils

The session is co-hosted by the Chartered College of Teaching and is delivered as part of NALDIC’s ITE Conference Week. This session will focus on the distinctiveness of EAL learners: who are EAL learners; how are EAL learners framed in educational policy; what are EAL children’s learning strengths and needs? The session will then move […]
Online Roundtable: Recruitment and Retention of global majority teachers

In order to support the work of the Teaching Commission, we are running a series of roundtables. These will be an opportunity for Fellows and members to engage with topics discussed at the meetings of the Teaching Commission and to get their voices heard. Roundtables will typically take place a day before the official meeting […]
Rethinking Curriculum – Putting Sustainability at the Heart of the Curriculum

This webinar comes to you as part of the Rethinking Curriculum webinar series. The project aims to support and equip teachers and school leaders with the knowledge and skills to identify, plan and implement curriculum development work in a sustainable, creative and place based approach. This will mean that all pupils will have access to […]
Embedding a culture of research: Contexts and challenges

This discussion, based on some of the key themes of Autumn’s issue of Impact, will ask the big questions about research and the teaching profession, with a focus on the robustness, reliability and relevance of research findings for varied education settings and the children they serve. Our guest-editor-led panel will be made up of Issue […]
Chartered College of Teaching: Annual General Meeting & Graduation Ceremony

About this event You must be a member of the Chartered College of Teaching to book onto this event. Members are invited to the Chartered College of Teaching’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Graduation Ceremony, taking place on Saturday 16th November 2024 (12:45 to 16:30). You will hear from Professor Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive […]
SEND and behaviour: Getting it right for all

In this session Amy explored best practice for effectively meeting the needs of students with SEND and creating a classroom environment where every student can learn effectively, feel valued and succeed. The session covered:.. • SEND: what does best practice look like in the classroom? • SEND: a changing pattern of need • Engaging students […]
Rethinking Curriculum – Curriculum evaluation tool launch

This webinar launches the Curriculum Evaluation Framework for the Chartered College, Rethinking Curriculum project. The project aims to support and equip teachers and school leaders with the knowledge and skills to identify, plan and implement curriculum development work in a sustainable, creative and place based approach. This will mean that all pupils will have access […]
How to set up a journal club

This webinar gives you the opportunity to reflect on how journal clubs might be used to support evidence-informed practice in your context. Journal clubs are a regular cycle of meetings at which research is critically discussed by a group of practitioners. The journal club model can be used at trust-level, whole school level or departmental […]
Laying professional foundations: what does it mean to develop professionalism from the very beginning of a teacher’s career

In this workshop jointly hosted by the Chartered College and Penrose Education, Dr Ben Knight and Rob Caudwell will explore the crucial – yet often overlooked – role of ‘professional judgement’ in the development of teacher expertise. Working towards QTS and working towards teacher expertise are two different things – but they can complement each […]
Holistic approaches to assessment

In recent years there has been much debate on approaches to assessment, with many arguing that the current system is no longer fit for purpose. Are, for example, pencil and paper tests at 16 and 18 equitable or useful for determining students’ ability to apply what they have learned? Why do we only measure individual […]
Communicating sanctuary and care

This project brings together research and practice-based expertise from colleagues working in the fields of Education, Medicine, Linguistics and Art with a view to developing innovative and timely curriculum programmes. Central to the project is the partnership with external agencies in the field of linguistics (NALDIC) and Psychology (Place2Be) in order to inform understandings and […]
The Great Big Small Schools Inset Day

Join colleagues working in small school settings across the country, for a day of thought-provoking discussion about evidence, research and education through a small school lens. This is a joint venture between the Church of England (CEFEL) and the Chartered College of Teaching, open to all types of small primary schools. We will hear from […]
Pioneer The Way In Climate Education!

The Foundation for Education Development, Dame Rachel De Souza, The Children’s Commissioner, and Dame Alison Peacock, The Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, invite you to the online launch of The Climate & Sustainability Toolkit. Join us to hear from education experts and leaders and to explore together the wealth of resources, curriculum mapping tools, case […]
Closing the attainment gap for boys at secondary school

This project has grown out of an inquiry by an all-party parliamentary group into Boys’ Educational Underachievement. On average, boys underachieve, relative to girls at every stage in their education. This all-party group has been running an inquiry to understand the reasons and possible remedies. To find successful practice, the team emailed every school in […]
A conversation with Sir Martyn Oliver

Watch the conversation with Prof. Dame Alison Peacock and Sir Martyn Oliver as part of Ofsted’s Big Listen campaign. Questions were submitted ahead of time by members. The event was for Members of the Chartered College of Teaching only.
Maximizing Cognitive Science

Bradley Busch from InnerDrive will delivered a short presentation on the importance of cognitive science research for teaching and learning, before a panel reflected and discussed what has worked well in different settings, common misunderstandings and lessons learnt to avoid misapplications. Cat Scutt, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chartered College of Teaching Bradley Busch, Psychologist at […]
NEW! EEF Implementation Guidance Report

Nikki is excited to be able to share the NEW EEF Implementation Guidance Report, recommendations and resources within this session. She will discuss how to implement change in the most effective way so that it has the best possible chance of succeeding. The latest research and recommendations will be shared and reflected upon. This session […]
What does it mean to be a ‘professional’ in teaching today?

This is an important topic in a fast-changing educational world that faces many challenges for teachers and students. It has its roots in the 19th century, when schoolteachers strove to achieve a professional status alongside doctors and lawyers, and attempts were made during the latter half of the last century to revive the idea. But […]
Developing a whole-school approach to gender equity, and why it matters

Gender stereotypes harm everyone. They place us into binary boxes, impacting the way we develop, learn and view ourselves. Before a child is born, their biological sex has determined how society will define them. From the gender reveal parties and gender assigned toys and clothes, society is already making assumptions about a child’s characteristics. These […]